Saturday, March 10, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 10, 2012 (Framing Your World Through Your Words - Confession of Faith)

Today is a new day. What kind of frame will you make today. As you speak words .... how are you framing out your world. Are you framing it with belief or doubt? Are you framing it with strength and power or are you allowing your weakness to speak for you? Today let's speak words of life. Let's speak words of power, goodness, and grace...... Let's frame our world with His words. Speaking what He speaks to us, in us, and through us.

"I am a child of God. Created in His image and after His likeness. Today I walk in His power and His grace. I walk in His anointing and His peace. I walk in His victory. There is no defeat in Him. Therefore, I cannot be overtaken. Nor shall I be moved. Who I am is who God created me to be. I am not defeated because the greater one resides on the inside of me. My life and my light are a reflection of who He is. His power .... His goodness .... and His grace are all a part of what makes me ..... me. I am victorious. I am the head and not the tail. I am above only and not beneath. I am who God says I am. Man cannot dictate to me who I am or what I can accomplish because my life and my light are nestled in who God is. When I say that I am nestled .... it means that I am situated and hidden comfortably under the wings of my Father. All that I am .... everything that He created me to be .... I shall be. I shall not be overcome by the ways of the world. I shall not be overtaken by the situations of life. I shall overcome and I shall overtake everything that goes against the word of God in my life. The power that has been placed on the inside of me gives me authority in all things. It is the same power that God used to speak the world into existence. That same power .... my Daddy has placed on the inside of me. Who am I to allow the world to cause me to doubt God's word. The word in me ... is final authority. I shall speak the word and it shall cause things to change. Because of the word in me .... I walk boldly. I walk healed. I walk delivered and set free. Because of the word in me .... I am victorious. In Jesus name. Amen"

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...