Thursday, March 29, 2012

PRAYER & CONFESSION FOR TODAY - March 29, 2012 (Asking God For Help)

Father today is a new day.   A new day in you.   Our trust is in you today Daddy.   Father we ask that you go before us today.   Move and manifest.   Father there is so much going on and we don't know what to do or how to handle it.   Help us Father.   Make a way.   Give us peace Father.   Give us direction Daddy.    We need you.    You far exceed anything we can even imagine.   You know all Daddy.   You see all Daddy.   You are all and all Father.   Help us.   Help us to get to where we need to be in you Father.     Our next level in you Father.   

Father we ask that you open doors today.  That you bring forth provision today.   That you heal our bodies today Daddy.    Take away everything that is unlike you Father.    Father we yield to you.   To your will, to your purpose, and to your plan Father.    Father we lift up your name.   We plead the blood of Jesus over our finances today.   We ask that your power upon them now Daddy.    That you bring forth every dime and every dollar that is needed today.    Father you are more than enough.   You are God enough.   Help us Daddy.   

Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing.   Thank you for your love and your protection.   Thank you for your peace and your power in Jesus name.   Amen.   



I am a child of God.   I am created in His image and after His likeness.   I am a divine creation of my Father who is the King.   He loves me and because He loves me, I know all my needs are met.   My Father is Jehovah Ropha ..... my Healer, Jehovah Jireh .... my Provider, and Jehovah Shalom .... my Peace.    Everything I need is in Him.   I don't have to look outside of my Father's house for anything that I need.    My God has promised me that He would supply all my needs.   He told me in His word that He knows the things I have need of and that He is faithful and He is just to provide me with them.    My God  is my Savior.   When the enemy tried to take me out.   My God protected me and kept me from harms way.    Today I rejoice because I know the same God that delivered me then .... He will deliver me now.    He told me that whatsoever things I have need of ..... to believe that I receive them and I shall have them.   Today I believe.   Everything that I have need of is provided by Him.   Everything that I ask my Father according to His word .... He will do.    He loves me and I love Him.   He has entrusted me with His power and His glory and I TRUST Him.     My God is the one thing in my life that is sure.   I stand on Him and I stand in Him.   I shall not be moved because my God is on my side.    In Jesus name .... Amen.


Anonymous said...

First of all I would like to thank GOD MOst of all and to you for answered prayers: my mom;s visa has already been approved and we are praying that her passport will arrive soon, also my fiancee got his job back ..all praises to GOD...pls continue to pray for me and my fiancee , we are waiting for the approval of my visa petition..we are already way past processing time and I hope that the LORD would give us the FAVOR that we ask...I hope HE honors our desire to be together in marriage with HIM as the center, as we start our family...I also pray that HE will show favor to us that the timeline we have would still be ok...Pls LORD pls approve our visa and that it will be here soon...Im hoping to be with my fiancee by June 2012 and I hope you will grant that heart's desire....and i pray that you bless our engagement and wedding plans that it will all come to completion ...most of all BLESS our union that we will TRULY LOVE and commit and be faithful to this relationship and take care of each other for the rest of our lives...Thank you very much and Thank you GOD..Kareen and Charles

R. Lynn Moore said...

Praise you Lord. Father we ask that you now finish the process in Jesus name. Amen......

PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...