Sunday, March 25, 2012

PRAYER & CONFESSION FOR TODAY - March 25, 2012 (Praying For Church Services and Homes Throughout The World)

Father thank you.   Thank you for your love.   Thank you for your anointing and for your power.   Father thank you for being God.   For being our source and for being our resource.   Daddy you are so good.   Father we thank you for your word.   For your word is our light.   Your word is the power that works within us.   Your word tell us your story.   It gives us direction.   It produces peace and it helps us to understand your plan in the earth.    Father we love you.    We love you Daddy.   You are so good to us.   

Today Father we ask that you move and that you manifest.   That your power and that your grace be prevalent upon your people today.   Father we lift up church services throughout the world today and ask that you power be present.   We ask that pastors throughout the world yield to your presence Father.   That they allow you to move in their midst.   Father let people see a move of you today .... not actions of men .... but a supernatural move of you and your presence in the earth.    

Father move in homes today.    Heal bodies today.   Perform miracles Father.   Where people didn't know the way .... reveal to them that you are the way Daddy.   Where people are hurting today Father .... comfort them Father.    Enlighten their lives Father.   Do what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray .... Amen.


Today is a new day.  It is a day of God's goodness, God's grace, God's love, and God's mercy.   Today and every day I will magnify the Lord.   I shall bless His name.   I walk in God's goodness.  I walk in God's grace.   I walk in His power and I walk in His might.    Today I understand who I am.  I understand that I was created by God for God.   My purpose is not my own.   My purpose is for Him who created me.   My purpose is to do the will of my Father.   My purpose is to praise His name and to magnify Him to everyone around me.   

Today I walk in my God given purpose.   I walk in God's word and I walk in His power.   I walk in divine healing and I walk in divine manifestation of His plan for my life.   My life is not my own.   My life belongs to my Father.   He purchased me.   He created me specifically for His use.    I no longer walk defeated because I know who I am.   I am a victor in Christ.   Victory was created for me.     Victory resides in me.   Victory is who I am.   I am a divine creation of my Father and my King.   Because He created me .... I know He knows how to take care of me.   He knows every need and He even knows my desires.    Today I die to me so that I can live fully in Him.    It is only when I let go of me that He can truly overtake me.    In Jesus name .... Amen.

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...