Tuesday, March 20, 2012

PRAYER & CONFESSION FOR TODAY - March 20, 2012 (Asking God To Move Throughout The Word Today and Provide, Heal, and Deliver & Confessing His Word Over Our Lives)

Father thank you.   Thank you for a new day in you.   A new day to experience your goodness and your grace.  Your peace and your power.    A new day to lead someone closer to you.    A new day for us to come closer to you.    Father we ask that you move throughout the world today.   Starting with our house Father .... let your presence be known and your power be seen.   Father there are needs.   Father there are bills that need to be paid.   Father there are healings that need to take place.   Do it now Daddy.    Provide, heal, and deliver today Daddy.    Father we ask that you meet every need today.   That you pay every bill today.   That you heal every body today Father.    Father we can't do it alone.   We need your help.   Father we call forth resources from the north, south, east, and the west.   You said in your word Daddy that you know the things we have need of.   Father you said that you are faithful and just to provide us with what we need.   Father you said that whatsoever things we have need of .... to ask you for them.   Father these are your words and you said to remind you of what you have said.   Not because you don't remember .... but because you want us to know and to understand that your word is true.    Thank you Daddy for being who you are.   Thank you for loving us like you do.   Thank you for your provision today.   We praise you Lord.   It is in Jesus name we do pray.    Amen.



Today is a new day.   Today is a day of provision.   Today is a day of power.   Today I walk in all that the Father has provided for me.   I walk in peace.   I walk in joy.   I walk in provision and in power.   Today I walk in authority because greater is He that is in me than he that is in this world.   Today I walk in love because my Daddy, my Father, and my King is love.    Today is a new day.   In this day I will  experience the greatness of God.   In this day and every day  my joy is made full because I know that my Daddy watches over me.   He said in His word that He watches over me so that He can do for me His good pleasure.    It pleases my Father to keep me safe.   To protect me.   It pleases my Father to provide for me.   It pleases my Daddy when I worship and praise Him.  So today and every day I lift up the name of Jesus.   For there is power in the name.   Today and everyday I understand the power and the provision in the name.   I understand that at the name of Jesus .... every knee shall bow.   I understand that at the name of Jesus situations must line up.   I understand that at the name of Jesus .... sickness must leave.   I understand the authority and the power in the name.     So today I plead the name and the blood of Jesus over every situation in my life and I command everything in my life to come into alignment with my God and His word.   Everything that is out of line with what He has said .... must go now in Jesus name.     Everything that counteracts what He has said .... must go now in Jesus name.    My life is based on His word.   I am covered by the blood of the Jesus and nothing (no - thing) and no one can by any means hurt me.   In Jesus name .... Amen.   

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...