Monday, December 30, 2013


I'm becoming very burned out on teaching. I teach all remedial reading to sophomores and seniorswho don't want to learn or improve their skills. I need a new passion and kids who want to learn. Ideally, I'd like a new job in a private Christian school. Thanks in advance

Daily Moments With God Prayer
 Father thank you for Jolette.  Thank you for opening doors in her life like never before .  Father you have placed within her the gift to teach others.   Father don't let that passion die.  Father help her now.   Strengthen her now.   Open up doors for her now.   Father place her in a school where she can flow freely with your Spirit.  We ask that you o it now in Jesus name. Amen. 

If you would like to submit a prayer request. Please submit via online form on the Daily Moments With God Website. You may access the form by clicking the following link ....

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...