Sunday, December 29, 2013


Father God I pray for my daughter for a blessing to take away her pain and depression. Also, father that she does not get evicted and I pray for a blessing for my grandson. Pour the financial blessings that is needed so desperately at thid time.Amen

Daily Moments With God Prayer
 Father we lift up the prayers of this mother right now.  Father we thank you for her daughter.  Father we thank you for your power to heal her and to take away her pain and her depression.  Father whatever it is remove it now.  The root cause Father.   Father we pray that she learns how to lean and rest in you.  Father we also lift up her grandson before you.  Father as he seeks your face and trusts and depends on you ... meet him at his point of need in Jesus name.  Amen.

 If you would like to submit a prayer request. Please submit via online form on the Daily Moments With God Website. You may access the form by clicking the following link ....

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