Monday, November 28, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - November 28, 2011 (Asking For Forgiveness For The Things That We Have Voluntarily Done Wrong and That God Move In Our Situations and The Situations Of Those Around Us)

Father thank you for another day in you.   Thank you for waking us up this morning and allowing us to see you, hear you, and live for you.   Thank you for loving us.   Thank you for entrusting us with you life.    Father we need  you.   We need you to go before us.   To help us.   To heal us.   Lord we need you to deliver us.   

Father we ask for your divine protection today.   We ask that you shield us from every attack of the enemy.    Father some of the situations we are in are because of our own actions.   Forgive us Lord.   Forgive us where we failed to do what was necessary to keep our trial from coming.    Forgive us where we said the wrong thing or did the wrong thing.    Father we thank you for you said in your word that you are just and ready to forgive us our trespasses.    Father our trespasses are those things that we voluntarily did wrong.   Those things that we did to offend you and to offend others.   Thank you for your forgiveness today.

Father we trust you today.   We ask you today to be who you are.   To be God.   God of our situations.   God of our circumstances.   God of our lives.   We ask you to heal our bodies and minister life to our situations.    We ask that you meet every need of our households and the households of those around us.    Father we pray for our families and our friends.   For Father you are omnipotent.   Our all powerful God.    We ask that you meet their needs.   That you bring deliverance to their circumstances.   That you manifest your love in and through them like never before.    Father we pray for your "love" to be present in all of our relationships.     We pray that you bring forth jobs from the north, south, east, and west to meet the needs of your people.   Father you are good....and you are God.   We know that you are well able to do all that we ask.   

Father we stand on your word and believe your word.   For you said whatsoever things we ask in prayer .... believing .... we shall receive.    Father we believe you today.   We believe your word and we bring every need and every circumstance to you in prayer.   We love you Lord.   We trust and thank you for who you are.....for what you have done.....and for what you are about to do.

It is in Jesus name we do pray.    Amen.

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...