Sunday, November 13, 2011

Prayer For Today - November 13, 2011 (Sickness and Disease Be Uprooted and That God's Word Raises Up A Standard When The Enemy Tries To Come Back In)

Good Morning God.   Thank you for your life this morning.   Thank you for your breadth.   Thank you for your love.   Thank you for your protection.   You said Father that we should enter into your gates with thanksgiving and that we should come into your courts with praise.   We thank you this morning Father and we praise you Lord.  

Father I thank you for your children.   I thank you for the goodness and the grace that you have poured upon their lives.   I thank you for the love that you have not only poured on them ....but you have placed it inside of them.   The love that loves beyond.   Beyond what they see.   Beyond what they understand.    The love that brings with it forgiveness and grace.    The love that does not compromise....but just is.    For God you just are and your word says that you are love.    Father I thank you that your love is not contingent on who we are or what we have done.    Your love is just who and what you are.   

Father I ask that you remember your people today.   That  you remember your promise to care for us, to heal us, to deliver us.   That you remember and manifest your power upon us.    Father you said that you have given us the power to speak and cause things to change.   Father you said that there is power in our words and when we speak in faith...things must line up.    Father I ask that you remove all doubt out of our hearts and out of our minds.   Anything that would cause our faith to fail....Father I ask that  you remove it now in Jesus name.   

Father we believe you.   We believe your word is true.   We believe that our direction comes from you .... for your Holy Spirit dwells on the inside of us.    So Father we speak to the demons of cancer, to the demons of lupus, the demons of diabetes, and all other manner of sickness and disease and we command them to be gone in Jesus name.   Father we plead the blood of Jesus in and upon our lives.    Father, we uproot these demons and we cast them out ..... in the name of Jesus.   They will no longer have control.   We incapacitate them now in the name of Jesus.   They will no longer control how we feel, how we act, or what we believe.    Father we ask that your word come in as a consuming fire and burn every root of sickness and disease that has been controlling the lives of your people. 

Father I pray that your people be filled with your filled with  your filled with that there will be no room for the enemy to enter back in.    I pray that every time the enemy tries to penetrate their hearts and their minds that the word that is within them will stand up against him.  For you said in your word that when the enemy comes in like a flood that you would raise up a standard against him.     

Father I pray that you strengthen your people today.   That they be strong in you.   That they put their total trust in you.   That they be consumed with you.   

Father thank you for who you are.    Thank you for what you have done.   Thank you for the sacrifice you made on our behalf ..... so that we could live and not die.    Thank you for your love and your protection.   Thank you for just being you in our lives.   

It is in the mighty, majestic name of Jesus that we do pray.....Amen.

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...