Friday, November 11, 2011

Prayer For Today - November 11, 2011 (That God Send Forth His Angels To Minister On Our Behalf)

Father its in you that we live.....
It's in you that we breathe.....
It's in you that we have our being.  

Father we trust you today.   We trust you as Lord and as Savior.   We trust you as Comforter and as King.   Father we ask that you be who you are today.  

Father I thank you for another day....another opportunity.....another chance to just be in your presence.   Another chance to say thank you.   Another chance to get to know you better.    I pray for your children today.   I pray that they will see, know, and hear your love today.   That you will bring about Jabez encounters today .... where people will see that you love them.    Where they will experience your love.   Where they will no longer doubt your love and care for them.

Father I ask that you manifest your healing today.   For people who are sick in their bodies.....I plead the blood of Jesus over them.    When I plead Lord....I am making an earnest appeal to you on behalf of my friends, my family, my acquaintances, and even those that I do not know for you to move in their lives.   For you to manifest your power in their bodies.   For you to cause every cell and every organ to work the way that you have created them to work.  

Father, I come before your throne of grace asking that you reveal yourself.   That you comfort those who are lost.   That you wrap your loving arms around those who are lonely today.   

Father you said that in your word that you have given us angels to minister on our behalf.  Father I see in your word where you sent forth your angels to shield, direct, and deliver your people.   Father I ask that you send forth angels today.....that they come to shield your people.   That they come to protect your people.   That they come to deliver your people today.    As they shielded and protected Daniel while he was in the lions den.   As they came and delivered Lot and also came and delivered Peter.    Send forth your angels to minister to your people.  

Father I ask that you just be God in our lives......In Jesus Name I Pray....

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