Wednesday, November 23, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - November 23, 2011 (For God To Help Us To Recognize What Happened On The Cross .... To Remind Us, To Refresh Us, To Refill Us, and To Reveal To Us His Covenant)

Praise the Lord all ye people.   Praise His wonderful name.  For He is God and worthy to be praised.   His name in Jehovah.   He is King of Kings.....Lord of Lords.    He is the great I Am.   Therefore, He is everything that you need Him to be.   Whenever you need Him to be it.  

Father we thank you for just being who you are today.   We thank you for being Jehovah Shalom......our peace.   For being Jehovah Jireh.....our provider.   For being Jehovah Tsidkenu.....our righteousness.   Father we just thank you for being God.    We love you today....We exalt you today....We lift up your name.   

Father we thank you for a new day.   A new day to worship you.   A new day to praise your name.   We thank you that yesterday is gone and we have a new opportunity to incorporate you into our day.   To worship you.   To tell someone of your goodness, your grace, and  your mercy.

Father, I ask that you pour out your love upon your people today.  For you are love.   Help us to realize that when you pour out your love on are covering us with who you are.   Everything that is in are pouring out upon us.    Your love, your strength, your peace, your joy.    Your healing, your protection, your is all a part of who you are......

Father, help us to understand what happened at the cross.   Help us to understand the covenant of the blood.   The power and the position that comes when we come under the blood of Christ.    Help us to understand the cleansing that takes place when we are washed by the blood of your covenant.    Father help us to see that everything (love, strength, peace, joy, healing, protection, and anointing) were all given at the cross.   Help us to understand that when you pour out is to remind us, to refresh us, to refill us, and to reveal to us the covenant that has already been established.  

Father, we thank you for renewal today.   Renewing in us a right that we can see, know, and recognize your power and your grace.   We love you Lord.   We trust you Lord.   We wait on you.  

In Jesus Name We Pray......Amen. 

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...