Friday, November 18, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - November 18, 2011 (That God Reveal The True Outcome Of What Took Place At Calvary By Manifesting His Power, Goodness, and Grace)

Father .... how glorious is your name.   How wonderful are you Lord.   For you are King of kings and Lord of lords.   Father there is no one that compares to you.  To who you what you what you do in and for us.   Father you love us with an everlasting love.   You keep us with your arms of protection.   You cleanse us with your blood.   Father you are good.   You are God.  

Father we thank you for all of who you are today.   For being our healer, our supplier, our peace, our joy, and our protector.   We thank you for supplying our every need today.   We thank you for seeing what we need Father and making a way where we can't see the way.   For Father you are the path.

Father I lift up your people before you today.   I ask that you give them wisdom in everything that they do today.   Father I ask that you direct their paths and show them the way that you would have them to go.   Father you know the ends and the outs of our lives.   You know the hurts and the pains that we feel.   Father I ask that you move in and soothe every area in our lives that is flaring up against your word.    I ask that you  come in and show us your love.   That you wrap us in your arms of mercy and comfort us where we feel lost.   Father I ask that you come in and manifest healing in  your people today.   That the blood that flows through your word will eradicate every word in us that contradicts what you have said concerning our healing and our deliverance.   

Father you are your word.   You are the cleansing power within us.   You are the blood.  For the life is in the blood....and you are life.    Father, I am asking that you be who you are to your people today.   Show them you.   Show them your love.   Show them your peace.   Show them the result of the sacrifice that was made at Calvary.   Show those who come to you....who call upon you......the true outcome of what took place on the cross by manifesting your power, your goodness, and your grace in and through them.  

In Jesus name we pray.....Amen

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...