Tuesday, January 10, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - January 10, 2012 (Asking Forgivenss For Where We Have Allowed Flesh To Override Wisdom and Praying For Jobs, Promotions, and Increase)

Thank you Lord.   Thank you for your goodness, your grace, and your mercy.   Thank you for your kindness, your peace, and your power.   Father thank you for your love.    Father you are so good.   We love you Lord.   Father we come before you today asking you for forgiveness.   Forgive us Father for any ways in which we may have let you down.   Where we may have let our flesh override our wisdom.   Father where we may have allowed "life" to cause us to walk away from your word.   To walk away from  your wisdom Father.   Please forgive us Father.   For we know your word and we know your love.   Father we know your peace and we know your protection.   Father forgive us for not trusting what we know.   Forgive us for allowing the enemy of fear to take root in us.     Father you are so good and we love you Father.   

Father help us today.   Help us to understand what it truly means to trust you.   Help us to lay down the ways that we have been taught and to truly pick up your plan and your purpose.   Help us to live in your revelation.   To live in your peace.   To live in your power.   Help us to see you as our all and all.  

Father we ask that you watch over our family today.   That you keep them safe in all that they do.   That you shield them ..... that you protect them ...... that you provide for them.    For Father you said that you would take care of all that concerns us.   Father our families are our concern.   Please do what only you can do in and through their lives.   

Father we lift up your people today.   We ask that you open new doors of opportunities for them and through them.   We ask that you provide for them like never before.    That you bring forth jobs for those who are without work and that you bring forth promotions for those who need increase.   Father you said in your word that the heart of the man is in your hand .... so we ask that you touch hearts Father.   That you cause people in leadership positions to favor your children.   That opportunities come and overtake your children today.   Even those who are not looking ...... cause them to be overtaken by your blessings.   Father those who have their own business .....bring forth increase.   New contracts and new sales.   Do it now for them Father.    Let them see your hand upon their lives.    

Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing.   We ask that you be who you are .... in Jesus name we do pray.    Amen.

Take A Moment To Read Today's Daily Word .... What Is The New Thing You Desire?   He Gives Us New Mercy Every Day .... posted on www.DailyMomentsWithGod.blogspot.com

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...