Sunday, June 10, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 10, 2012 (Asking God To Help His People)

Father it is our hearts cry that you help today.  Help us to see you clearer.  Help us to know your will.   Help us to do what needs to be done.   We can't do it without you Father.   We need you Daddy.    Help us Father.   You are God.   You are Alpha and Omega.   You are El Shaddai.   You are Jehovah Nissi.   Jehovah Shalom.  Jehovah Jireh.   You are Addonai.    Lord of lords and King of kings.

Father we are asking that you go before us today.   That you make every crooked place straight.   Father we lift up this nation before you.   We ask that your power, your might, your love, and your word rule and reign in your people.    Let the world see that you are God.   That there is no one like you.   That there is no  one that compares to you.   Do your word Daddy.   We need you in Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.

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