Thank you Father. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your love, your protection, your peace, and your power. Thank you for going before us today. For using us today. For healing us today. For delivering us Daddy. Thank you for allowing your presence to precede us, surround us, and dwell within us. God you are so good.
Now Father we ask for your help in the situations of life. Where we need healing Daddy .... Heal. Where we need financial increase Daddy ..... provide. Where we are weak Father ..... strengthen us. Father where we lack faith .... Daddy help our unbelief.
Father you are God. You are our God. Father we step into you. For you said he who dwelleth in your secret place shall abide under shelter. Father you said that if we trust and lean not to our understanding ... YOU Daddy would direct our paths.
Father do what only you can today. Deliver like only you can today. Manifest like only you can today. Father we love you and exalt you in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Daily Moments With God Prayer is an online prayer ministry that is connected to the online ministry of Daily Moments With God which is ministered/written by R. Lynn Moore, author of "Spending Daily Moments With God” and “Shattering The Glass Of Fear and Walking Fully In Faith". You can visit the online ministry at or on Facebook at GodWithRLynnMoore2. I am praying that each moment of your day is blessed in Him.
Saturday, June 30, 2012
Thursday, June 28, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 28, 2012 (Prayer For Open Doors)
Father thank you for a new day. Thank you for a day of power and a day of grace. Thank you Daddy for a day of provision and a day where your mercies are renewed. Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing. Father we ask that you go before us today. Make every crooked place straight. Move and manifest in our lives like never before. Use us Lord. Use us for your goodness. Use us for your glory. Let our lives shine forth your goodness.
Now Father we pray for open doors. Open doors of opportunity. Open doors of your provision. Open doors of your power. Father thank you for your favor as we walk through the doors that you are opening in our lives. Father you are so good and we praise you for who you are to us, in us, and through us.
Father we bind every situation in our lives that is failing to reflect who you are. We bind it up and cast it down. For you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. Father we loose your victory and your power to operate freely in our situations. Again Father you said whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Thank you for manifestation Father. Thank you for supernatural manifestations of your word, your goodness, and your grace. We love you Daddy. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we pray for open doors. Open doors of opportunity. Open doors of your provision. Open doors of your power. Father thank you for your favor as we walk through the doors that you are opening in our lives. Father you are so good and we praise you for who you are to us, in us, and through us.
Father we bind every situation in our lives that is failing to reflect who you are. We bind it up and cast it down. For you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven. Father we loose your victory and your power to operate freely in our situations. Again Father you said whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven. Thank you for manifestation Father. Thank you for supernatural manifestations of your word, your goodness, and your grace. We love you Daddy. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, June 27, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 27, 2012
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to hear you and a new day to live according to your word. Father we love you today. We ask that you be who you said you would be. Father you said in your word that you will never leave us nor forsake us .... so today we ask that you be our ever present help. Father you said in your word that you are the God that heals us .... so today we ask that your healing power prevail. Father you said in your word that if we trust you and lean not to our own understanding that you would direct our paths .... Father lead us today. Father your word say that you know the things we have need of .... so today we ask that you meet the needs. Father you said that you would keep us in all our ways .... protect us today Daddy. Father be who you are for us, in us, and through us in Jesus name. Amen.
Tuesday, June 26, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 26, 2012 (Asking The Power Of God's Blood To Precede Us Today)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to seek your face and to live in your glory. Father today we ask that you go before us. That the power of the blood precede us today. That you cover the soles of our feet with the blood that shields, that protects, that keeps, and that manifests. Father we bind every trick and planned attack of the enemy and we cancel it now in Jesus name. Father keep us safe. Let those around us ... see your favor and protection upon us. Father turn it around. What the enemy meant for evil against us .... turn it around. Show forth your glory.
Father we ask that you release supernatural favor upon our lives. We ask that you position us Daddy. That you position us to be in a position where we can be a blessing to your kingdom. Where we can do what you called us to do freely. Help us Daddy to be so stable in your plan that nothing and no one can get us off track. Father send forth whatever is needed so that we are able to fulfill your call. In Jesus name. Amen.
Father we ask that you release supernatural favor upon our lives. We ask that you position us Daddy. That you position us to be in a position where we can be a blessing to your kingdom. Where we can do what you called us to do freely. Help us Daddy to be so stable in your plan that nothing and no one can get us off track. Father send forth whatever is needed so that we are able to fulfill your call. In Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, June 25, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 25, 2012 (Speaking To The Mountains That Are In Our Lives and Commanding Them To Move)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to see you and to seek you. Father today we come to you on behalf of our family and our friends. Help them Daddy. Help them to see you. Help them to know you. Help them to understand who they are in you. Father they need you. They need your word and they need your power. Father we take authority over every trick of the enemy that is operative in their lives. Father we command everything that is unlike you to go now in Jesus name. Father we speak life to them. We speak healing to them. We speak power to them. Father we speak your grace to them.
Father your word says for us to speak to the mountains and they shall be removed. We speak to the mountains in our lives and the lives of those around us and command them to move. The mountains of debt. The mountains of sickness. The mountains of worry and the mountains of pain. We command them to go now in Jesus name.
Father thank you for honoring your word in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father your word says for us to speak to the mountains and they shall be removed. We speak to the mountains in our lives and the lives of those around us and command them to move. The mountains of debt. The mountains of sickness. The mountains of worry and the mountains of pain. We command them to go now in Jesus name.
Father thank you for honoring your word in our lives and the lives of those around us. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, June 24, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 24, 2012
Father thank you. Thank you for our Daily Moments With God family. Thank you for the power and the praise that you have placed on the inside of each of us. Father today we lift you up. We seek your face. Your will, your purpose, and your plan. Father today we ask that you move in us and through us. Let your light and your life be seen through us Father. Father we are your children.... The sheep of your pasture. We graze on your word today. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise YOU Daddy. Now Father I lift up each person, each household, and each family member that are represented by the likes on this page. I ask right now that you move in them, through them, and for them. I ask that your power be seen in and through their lives. I ask that you heal each sick body and deliver each life that is stuck in the things of the past. Father I ask that you meet every need of every household. For you said in your word that you know the things we have need of and that YOU are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Father I ask that you transition your people to greatness in you. Open up doors Daddy. Doors of opportunity. Doors of your goodness. Doors of your grace Father. I speak forth jobs. I speak forth healing. I speak forth deliverance. I speak every need is met. These are your children and these are YOUR promises. Father you said to remind you of your word. Did you not say that you would never leave us nor forsake us? Did you not say that you are the God that heals us? Did you not say that if we put our trust in you that you would direct our paths? These are your words and these are your promises. Be who you are Daddy. Do what only you can do in Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Saturday, June 23, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 23, 2012 (Prayer For All Things In Your Life)
Today my prayer for you is peace. That God gives you a peace beyond your understanding. Today my prayer for you is power. That God gives you the power to overcome the attacks of the enemy. Today my prayer for you is strength. That you be strong in the Lord and the power of His might. Today my prayer for you is love. That the love of God consume you and overtake you. Today my prayer for you is joy. That you will have unspeakable joy. Today my prayer for you is direction. That you lean not to your own understanding and that you acknowledge God in all your ways so that He can direct your path. Today my prayer for you is provision. For I know that God knows the things you have need of in your life and I know that He is faithful and just to provide you with those things. Today my prayer for you is healing. For Jesus took stripes on His back so that you could be healed. Today my prayer for you is knowledge. For the Bible says that a man of knowledge .... increases in power.
Thank you Lord for bringing all these prayers to pass in the lives of these your people. Use them for your glory. Let your life and your light be seen in their lives. In Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Thank you Lord for bringing all these prayers to pass in the lives of these your people. Use them for your glory. Let your life and your light be seen in their lives. In Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Friday, June 22, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 22, 2012 (Praying For The World .... Asking God To Move and Manifest )
Father thank you for this day. Thank you for your power. Thank you for your presence. Father we lift up this world before you asking that you move and manifest in the lives of your people. Heal them, set them free, deliver them Daddy. Show them your glory. Show them your power. Reveal to them your love. Father you are so good. We love you and exalt you. We praise you and magnify you. We trust you Daddy. Be who you are. Show the world that you are God alone. That there is none like you and no one compares to you or your goodness, grace, love, and mercy. In Jesus name. Amen.
Thursday, June 21, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 21, 2012 (Prayer of Thanksgiving and Asking God To Derail The Planned Attacks Of The Enemy)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to give you thanks. To praise you. To magnify your name. A new day to walk out your plan and your purpose in the earth. A new day to recognize your goodness and your grace. To see your glory. A new day to rejoice and enjoy the manifestations of your word. Thank you Daddy.
Thank you for another opportunity to be a vessel for you. To pour out your love. To show forth your praise. To reveal your power that is working in and through us. Thank you Daddy. Thank you for loving us. Shielding us. Protecting us. Providing for us. Healing us. Delivering us. Ministering to us. Thank you Father for all that you have done and all that you are doing in our lives. We love you Lord.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight. That you derail the planned attacks of the enemy. Those things that the enemy has been planning to try to come against our lives. Cause them to be derailed to the point that they no longer have an affect. We trust you Lord. We believe you Lord. We love you Daddy.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thank you for another opportunity to be a vessel for you. To pour out your love. To show forth your praise. To reveal your power that is working in and through us. Thank you Daddy. Thank you for loving us. Shielding us. Protecting us. Providing for us. Healing us. Delivering us. Ministering to us. Thank you Father for all that you have done and all that you are doing in our lives. We love you Lord.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight. That you derail the planned attacks of the enemy. Those things that the enemy has been planning to try to come against our lives. Cause them to be derailed to the point that they no longer have an affect. We trust you Lord. We believe you Lord. We love you Daddy.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, June 20, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 20, 2012 (Prayer For Our Daily MomentsWith God Family)
God thank you for our Daily Moments With God family. Thank you for watching over them, shielding them, and protecting them. Thank you for using them Daddy. Use them to magnify and exalt who you are to a lost world. Use them as your beacons of light. Allow them to walk out your plan and your purpose in the earth. Show them Lord who you are ... manifest your goodness and grace in their lives like never before.
Father allow your power to flow freely through them. Heal their bodies. Open up doors on every side. Father these are they that are calling upon your name. That are seeking your face. That are walking in faith. Father these are they that are trusting you for their breakthrough. Do what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father allow your power to flow freely through them. Heal their bodies. Open up doors on every side. Father these are they that are calling upon your name. That are seeking your face. That are walking in faith. Father these are they that are trusting you for their breakthrough. Do what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, June 19, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 19, 2012 (Prayer For God's Help)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for allowing us to live in you and to live for you. Father you are so good. We thank you Daddy. We praise you Daddy. We believe you Father. Help us Lord. Help us to hear you and to know you. Help us to understand who we are in you. Father when the trials of life come up against us .... help us to find rest and peace in you. Help us to understand and to know your word and your will. Father today we are crying out for your help. We don't want to do it alone. We don't want to figure it out alone. Our trust is in you. Father give us peace and allow your power to rule and reign in our lives in Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, June 18, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 18, 2012 (Thanking God For His Renewed Mercy and Asking Him To Healing, Deliverance, and Protection)
Father we thank you for waking us up this morning. Thank you for leading us, guiding us, directing us, protecting us, providing for us, manifesting for us, and showing us who you are. Father you are so good. Father you are Alpha and Omega ... the beginning and the end. You are El Shaddai ... God Almighty. You are Elohim . Father everything we need is found in you. You are Jehovah Jireh .... our Provider. You are Jehovah Nissi ... our banner in which we can take refuge. You are Jehovah Ropha our healer. Father you are Jehovah Tsidkenu our righteousness. Father all that we need, we find in you. We love you Lord. We exalt you Father. We trust you Daddy.
Father thank you for your renewed mercy today. Thank you for your continued grace upon our lives. Thank you for your wisdom and your power moving and manifesting in and through us. Father thank you for your love.
Now Father we ask that you go before us. Make every crooked place straight Daddy. Open up doors Father. Show us your plan for our lives. Manifest your provision in our lives. Heal us Daddy ..... set us free, and deliver us in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father thank you for your renewed mercy today. Thank you for your continued grace upon our lives. Thank you for your wisdom and your power moving and manifesting in and through us. Father thank you for your love.
Now Father we ask that you go before us. Make every crooked place straight Daddy. Open up doors Father. Show us your plan for our lives. Manifest your provision in our lives. Heal us Daddy ..... set us free, and deliver us in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, June 17, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 17, 2012 (Praying For Faith Favor .... Because We Have Faith In God ... Asking Him To Favor Us)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day of your power and provision. A new day to worship you and exalt you. To praise you Daddy. Father thank you for allowing us this day .... today ... to be lived out in you. Father we ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight. That you heal every sick body. Father we need you. We acknowledge our need for you. We can't do it alone. We don't want to do it alone.
Father we ask that you open up doors today. Where the enemy has tried to close doors of opportunity in our lives .... we ask that you open them today. Father we pray for faith favor. Because we have faith in you Daddy .... we ask that you favor us Father. Help us to walk out your plan and purpose here in the earth. Help us to live in you and to live for you.
Father thank you for all that you have done ... all that you are doing .... and all that you are about to do in Jesus name. Amen.
Father we ask that you open up doors today. Where the enemy has tried to close doors of opportunity in our lives .... we ask that you open them today. Father we pray for faith favor. Because we have faith in you Daddy .... we ask that you favor us Father. Help us to walk out your plan and purpose here in the earth. Help us to live in you and to live for you.
Father thank you for all that you have done ... all that you are doing .... and all that you are about to do in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, June 16, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 16, 2012 (Asking God for Wisdom In Everything We Do and Say .... and Asking Him To Help Us To See Him More Clearly and Love Him More Deeply)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for a day of power, purpose and praise. Father we ask that you go before us today. Give us wisdom in everything that we do and say today. Help us Daddy. Help us to see you. Help us to know you. Help us to live for you .... in you and through you. Father do your word in our lives. Father we desire to accomplish your will, your purpose, and your plan in our lives. Help us Daddy. Help us to see you more clearly. To love you more deeply. To understand you more fully.
Father we need you. We love you. You are God and you are God alone. There is none like you Daddy. We lift up and magnify your name. We exalt you. We praise you. We trust you. Show us your way ..... and we will walk out your word in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father we need you. We love you. You are God and you are God alone. There is none like you Daddy. We lift up and magnify your name. We exalt you. We praise you. We trust you. Show us your way ..... and we will walk out your word in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, June 14, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 14, 2012 (Prayer For You .... Thanking God For Sending You Here)
I am not sure how you got here. What link you used to end up on this page. What I am sure about is that God wants you here. He sent you to this page for such a time as this. I am thankful that you are here and my prayer is that He blesses you and uses you to minister into the lives of those around you. My prayer is that you be blessed in everything you put your hands to that lines up with His word. My prayer is that every one of your needs are met. That you have peace and that you walk in power. That you increase on every side. My prayer is that He strengthen you and cause the power of His anointing to work all things out for your good. My prayer is that you are blessed, your family is blessed, and those whom He has placed in your circle of influence are blessed by being in your presence. My prayer is that your day is filled with love and that joy overtake and overflow you. My prayer is that you walk in His goodness and His grace all the days of your life. Amen.
Wednesday, June 13, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 13, 2012 (Thanking God For The Sacrifice He Made and Confessing His Word In Our Lives)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for the sacrifice you made for us to see this day. For us to live out this day. Thank you Daddy for your love and your protection. For you peace and your power. Thank you for your joy everlasting. You are so good Daddy and we love you.
Today we say what you have already said about our lives.....
"I am a child of God. I am healed, set free and delivered in Him. Everything that I do in Him prospers because He is on my side. I am created in His image. I am made in His likeness. All that I am and all that I do is in Him and for Him. I am a reflection of the Lord most high. My life is the fruit of His handiwork. I trust Him. I believe Him and I desire Him to lead me in all that I do. Today is a new day for my Daddy to show forth His glory in my life. In Jesus name .... Amen"
Today we say what you have already said about our lives.....
"I am a child of God. I am healed, set free and delivered in Him. Everything that I do in Him prospers because He is on my side. I am created in His image. I am made in His likeness. All that I am and all that I do is in Him and for Him. I am a reflection of the Lord most high. My life is the fruit of His handiwork. I trust Him. I believe Him and I desire Him to lead me in all that I do. Today is a new day for my Daddy to show forth His glory in my life. In Jesus name .... Amen"
Tuesday, June 12, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 12, 2012 (Praying For The Manifestation of God's Word In Our Lives)
Thank you Father. Thank you for your goodness, your grace, and your mercy. Thank you for your protection and your peace. God you are so good. You are so faithful. We trust you Lord. We trust your word. Father let your wisdom reign. Let it flow to us and from us. Let your power rule. Let it overtake us.
Father we ask that you go before us today. That you lead us in the way that you would have us to go. That your power overflow. That your peace overtake us. Father we pray for healing today. Let the power of your anointing flow freely through our bodies. Father we command everything in our bodies to line up with your word right now. We command every organ and every cell to function the way you created them to function. We command complete and divine healing according to your word. For your word says that you are the God that heals us. Your word says that Jesus took stripes on His back so that we can be healed. Father we pray for the manifestation of your provision today. That you bring forth resources from the north, south, east, and west. Let every need be met. Your word says that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Meet our needs today Daddy. Father we trust your word. We believe your word. We pray for open doors today. Open doors of increase ... open doors of provision .... open doors of wisdom. Let doors open up in you today.
Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father we ask that you go before us today. That you lead us in the way that you would have us to go. That your power overflow. That your peace overtake us. Father we pray for healing today. Let the power of your anointing flow freely through our bodies. Father we command everything in our bodies to line up with your word right now. We command every organ and every cell to function the way you created them to function. We command complete and divine healing according to your word. For your word says that you are the God that heals us. Your word says that Jesus took stripes on His back so that we can be healed. Father we pray for the manifestation of your provision today. That you bring forth resources from the north, south, east, and west. Let every need be met. Your word says that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Meet our needs today Daddy. Father we trust your word. We believe your word. We pray for open doors today. Open doors of increase ... open doors of provision .... open doors of wisdom. Let doors open up in you today.
Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, June 11, 2012
Are You Ready To Let Go?
What happens when you give it all over to God? When you let it all go? When you stop trying to do it yourself? What happens when you let God be God?
That is what God wants you to do. He wants you to let go of it. The hurts, the pain, the disappointment. The trials and the struggles. He wants you to stop trying to do it on your own. To stop trying to walk it out alone. He wants you to know that you are His child. Understand that a child is not built to carry everything. Because a child is small ..... he or she cannot carry the load that the parent can. That's how God looks at his parental relationship with you. He knows that there are things that you are not able to carry .... so He carries it for you.
Make it your determined purpose to let go and let God today. Amen...
That is what God wants you to do. He wants you to let go of it. The hurts, the pain, the disappointment. The trials and the struggles. He wants you to stop trying to do it on your own. To stop trying to walk it out alone. He wants you to know that you are His child. Understand that a child is not built to carry everything. Because a child is small ..... he or she cannot carry the load that the parent can. That's how God looks at his parental relationship with you. He knows that there are things that you are not able to carry .... so He carries it for you.
Make it your determined purpose to let go and let God today. Amen...
Worship For Today ....
Let Go, Let God
Ministered By Dwayne Woods
Sunday, June 10, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 10, 2012 (Asking God To Help His People)
Father it is our hearts cry that you help today. Help us to see you clearer. Help us to know your will. Help us to do what needs to be done. We can't do it without you Father. We need you Daddy. Help us Father. You are God. You are Alpha and Omega. You are El Shaddai. You are Jehovah Nissi. Jehovah Shalom. Jehovah Jireh. You are Addonai. Lord of lords and King of kings.
Father we are asking that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight. Father we lift up this nation before you. We ask that your power, your might, your love, and your word rule and reign in your people. Let the world see that you are God. That there is no one like you. That there is no one that compares to you. Do your word Daddy. We need you in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father we are asking that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight. Father we lift up this nation before you. We ask that your power, your might, your love, and your word rule and reign in your people. Let the world see that you are God. That there is no one like you. That there is no one that compares to you. Do your word Daddy. We need you in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, June 9, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 9, 2012 (Giving God Praise For Who He Is)
Thank you Lord. Thank you for your goodness. Your grace. Your mercy. Your love. Father we love you. We appreciate you Daddy. There is none like you. There is no one that compares to you Father. All that I am and all that I do is in you Father. You are God. You are our Creator. You are our King. Hallelujah. Hallelujah Father. There is none like you. There is no one that compares to you. Today we just come before you thanking you for who you are. Not asking you for stuff..... but worshipping you for who you are to us, in us, and through us. Praise you Daddy..... Hallelujah!!!!!!!!
Friday, June 8, 2012
PRAYER and CONFESSION FOR TODAY - That God's Word Flow Through Us and His Reflection Be Seen Upon Us"
Father thank you. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your power, your love, your grace, and your mercy. Thank you Daddy for what you have done and what are doing in our lives. Father today we ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight today. That you be who you are Daddy. That your love not flow on us and in us ..... Father our desire is that your love flow through us. Help us Daddy. Help us to reflect who you are. Help us to minister your love to those around us. Help us to do everything that you have called us to do.
Father today we confess your word in our lives....
"I am a child of God. Created to worship Him. Created to reflect Him. Today I walk in the power of His word. Everywhere I go I go in the power of His word. Everything I do, I do in the power of His word. My life is not what it appears to be. I walk in the promises and the nature of my God. He has promised that I shall live and not die. He has promised that He would heal me from all sickness and disease. He has promised that everything I have need of is in Him. My expectation is for my life to begin to reflect the power and the nature of my God. My expectation is for my needs to be met and my body to be healed. My expectation is for the reflection of my God to be manifested in my walk for those around me to see. Let them see your power in my life God. Let them see your healing in my life God. Let them see your love in me and flowing through me God. I am not my own. I have been brought with a price. I am who God has created me to be in Jesus name. Amen"
Father today we confess your word in our lives....
"I am a child of God. Created to worship Him. Created to reflect Him. Today I walk in the power of His word. Everywhere I go I go in the power of His word. Everything I do, I do in the power of His word. My life is not what it appears to be. I walk in the promises and the nature of my God. He has promised that I shall live and not die. He has promised that He would heal me from all sickness and disease. He has promised that everything I have need of is in Him. My expectation is for my life to begin to reflect the power and the nature of my God. My expectation is for my needs to be met and my body to be healed. My expectation is for the reflection of my God to be manifested in my walk for those around me to see. Let them see your power in my life God. Let them see your healing in my life God. Let them see your love in me and flowing through me God. I am not my own. I have been brought with a price. I am who God has created me to be in Jesus name. Amen"
Thursday, June 7, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - (Confessing God's Word In Our Lives .... Agreeing Wtih What God Has Already Said)
Father thank you for your power and might. Thank you for your love and your mercy. Thank you for being God. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same .... Father we will bless your name. We love you Daddy. We praise you Daddy. We magnify you Lord. How awesome you are. How glorious you are. How powerful you are Father. Father today we confess your word in our lives. We say what you say .... so that we can be assured of your word coming to pass.
"I am a child of God. Created in His image and fashioned after His likeness. I am protected by Him for He said in His word that He would watch over me and protect me in all my ways. I am healed by Him for He said in His word that He is the God that heals me. I am waiting on Him for His word says that if I wait on Him ... He would direct my path. I am strengthened by Him for His word says that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I trust in Him for He said in His word for me to trust Him with all my heart and to lean not to my own understanding. I am who I am in Him. For He is my rock, my shield, my joy, and my strength. Amen"
"I am a child of God. Created in His image and fashioned after His likeness. I am protected by Him for He said in His word that He would watch over me and protect me in all my ways. I am healed by Him for He said in His word that He is the God that heals me. I am waiting on Him for His word says that if I wait on Him ... He would direct my path. I am strengthened by Him for His word says that the joy of the Lord is my strength. I trust in Him for He said in His word for me to trust Him with all my heart and to lean not to my own understanding. I am who I am in Him. For He is my rock, my shield, my joy, and my strength. Amen"
Wednesday, June 6, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - Prayer That We Be Not Led Astray .... But That We Be Led By God's Power and God's Presence
Praise you Father. Glory to your name. Father you are so good. Father you are Alpha and Omega. you are the beginning and you are the end. Everything that is .... exists in you Daddy. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you. Father from the rising of the sun to the going down of the same .... we will praise your name. There is none like you. There is none that compares to you. You are our all and all Daddy. You are our everything.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you lead us ... that you guide us .... that you provide for us Father. That your word be our driving force in this world. Father let us not be led astray .... but let us be led by your word. By your presence .... by your power Daddy. Help us Father. Help us not see what is going wrong .... but to see that YOU are an ever present help in a time of trouble. Help us to see you as our provider .... as our healer .... as our deliverer. Let us see the fullness of who you are Father. Father help us to understand that it is not about us .... it is all about you Father. You are so good.
Father today we ask that you meet every need. That you heal every body. That the power of your word be manifest in our lives. We love you. We exalt you. We trust and we believe you Lord. Thank you for who you are and what you have done in Jesus name. Amen.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you lead us ... that you guide us .... that you provide for us Father. That your word be our driving force in this world. Father let us not be led astray .... but let us be led by your word. By your presence .... by your power Daddy. Help us Father. Help us not see what is going wrong .... but to see that YOU are an ever present help in a time of trouble. Help us to see you as our provider .... as our healer .... as our deliverer. Let us see the fullness of who you are Father. Father help us to understand that it is not about us .... it is all about you Father. You are so good.
Father today we ask that you meet every need. That you heal every body. That the power of your word be manifest in our lives. We love you. We exalt you. We trust and we believe you Lord. Thank you for who you are and what you have done in Jesus name. Amen.
Tuesday, June 5, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 4, 2012 (Binding The Spirit of Confusion .... Asking God To Reveal The Gifts Within Us and To Help Us Fulfill Our Purpose)
Father thank you. Thank you for your word and your wisdom. Thank you for your power and your might. Father we thank you that your word is true. That you are not a man that you should lie nor the son of man that you should repent. Thank you Daddy for being who you are and doing what you said you would do.
Father today we bind the spirit of confusion. Father your word is clear and you are your word. So Father today we pray that people will receive the fullness of who you are. That they will know, see, and understand who you are and what you have said for us to do. Father help them. Heal them. Deliver them now Daddy. Father let us not be those who pick and choose the words we want to obey. Help us to obey you and the totality of your word Daddy. Help us to understand your word fully. Father help us to see you and to know you.
Now Father we ask that you reveal to us your plan and your purpose. The things that you have called us to do. Show us our gifts in you. The things that you have placed inside of us. Reveal to us your way Father. Let our direction be clear and our purpose be fulfilled.
Father we love you. We exalt you. We bless you now in Jesus name. Amen....
Father today we bind the spirit of confusion. Father your word is clear and you are your word. So Father today we pray that people will receive the fullness of who you are. That they will know, see, and understand who you are and what you have said for us to do. Father help them. Heal them. Deliver them now Daddy. Father let us not be those who pick and choose the words we want to obey. Help us to obey you and the totality of your word Daddy. Help us to understand your word fully. Father help us to see you and to know you.
Now Father we ask that you reveal to us your plan and your purpose. The things that you have called us to do. Show us our gifts in you. The things that you have placed inside of us. Reveal to us your way Father. Let our direction be clear and our purpose be fulfilled.
Father we love you. We exalt you. We bless you now in Jesus name. Amen....
Monday, June 4, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 4, 2012 (Asking God To Flow Through Us and Use Us As His Vessels Of Love)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Today we ask that you take control Daddy. We yield to you Father. We yield our hearts, our minds, our bodies to you. Today Father we desire to be living sacrifices for your word, your will, and your plan. Help us Daddy. Help us to be more like you. Father you are so good. We love you Daddy. We need you Father. Help us. Help us to be complete in you. To not desire those things that are outside of your word and outside of your will. We need you.
Father go before us today. Make every crooked place straight. Help us .... heal us .... deliver us Daddy. Father we pray for open doors. Open doors to your goodness and to your grace. Open doors of favor Father. Open doors of increase. Father open every door today. Show us how to walk into your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. How to yield to the point of being overtaken by your love. We need you Daddy. Our desire is to be close to you Father.
Be who you are to us, in us, and through us. Let your love be seen in everything we do and everything we say. Let your words flow freely from our mouths so that those around us can feel your power and receive your anointing. Use us Lord as your vessels of love in Jesus name. Amen.
Father go before us today. Make every crooked place straight. Help us .... heal us .... deliver us Daddy. Father we pray for open doors. Open doors to your goodness and to your grace. Open doors of favor Father. Open doors of increase. Father open every door today. Show us how to walk into your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. How to yield to the point of being overtaken by your love. We need you Daddy. Our desire is to be close to you Father.
Be who you are to us, in us, and through us. Let your love be seen in everything we do and everything we say. Let your words flow freely from our mouths so that those around us can feel your power and receive your anointing. Use us Lord as your vessels of love in Jesus name. Amen.
Sunday, June 3, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 3, 2012 (Praying For The World and That God Will Tell Us What We Need To Do and Say To Help Those Who Are Lost)
Father thank you for your word. Thank you for your power and thank you for your presence. Father you are so good. We love you Daddy. We love your word Father. For your word is a light unto us .... it is our direction. It gives us purpose. We pursue you and your word today.
Father today we ask that you show us your way. Open up your wisdom to us Father. Overtake us with your direction. Your peace. Your power Father. Father we need you. We love you Father. Thank you Father for your love and your protection. Father thank you.... We love you Daddy.
Father help us. Help this world. Help the world to see that you are real. Help them to realize your goodness, your grace, and your power. Help them to know that there is none like you. Help them Daddy. Father heal them, set them free, deliver them. Father show forth your glory. Manifest your love in lives of your people. Father show us what we need to do and tell us what we need to say to help your people. Words of wisdom and words of direction. Words in due season. Give us what you would have us to say Daddy.
Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing in Jesus name. Amen.
Father today we ask that you show us your way. Open up your wisdom to us Father. Overtake us with your direction. Your peace. Your power Father. Father we need you. We love you Father. Thank you Father for your love and your protection. Father thank you.... We love you Daddy.
Father help us. Help this world. Help the world to see that you are real. Help them to realize your goodness, your grace, and your power. Help them to know that there is none like you. Help them Daddy. Father heal them, set them free, deliver them. Father show forth your glory. Manifest your love in lives of your people. Father show us what we need to do and tell us what we need to say to help your people. Words of wisdom and words of direction. Words in due season. Give us what you would have us to say Daddy.
Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, June 2, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 2, 2012 (Crying Out For God's Power, Love, and Joy)
Father thank you. Thank you for the plan and the purpose that you have set forth for our lives. Father we just trust you now. We trust your word. We trust your power. We trust your presence in our lives. Father we know that you are God and that you said that you would watch over us and keep us in all our ways. Father we know that you said to wait on you and to trust you. Father we know that you said that your joy is our strength. So now we ask that you help us Father. Help us to fulfill your word in our lives.
Pour out your anointing .... pour out your power .... pour out your strength and your oil of gladness. Father pour out your love. Pour out your peace. Flow in us and through us Lord. Let your love and your light shine through us Father. Daddy our hearts cry is for you. For your power, your love, and your joy. We need you Daddy. Be who you are in Jesus name. Amen.
Pour out your anointing .... pour out your power .... pour out your strength and your oil of gladness. Father pour out your love. Pour out your peace. Flow in us and through us Lord. Let your love and your light shine through us Father. Daddy our hearts cry is for you. For your power, your love, and your joy. We need you Daddy. Be who you are in Jesus name. Amen.
Friday, June 1, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - June 1, 2012 (Asking God To Help Us To Help Those Around Us To Understand That He Is Their Source, Supply, and GOD)
Father thank you for your anointing, your power, and your grace. Thank you for a new day in you. Father you are so good and you are so faithful. Today Daddy we ask that you lead us. That you guide us. That you help us Daddy. Help us to see you more clearly. Help us to know you more intimately. Help us to understand your will, your purpose, and your plan. Father we need you. We need your love, we need your protection, we need your peace, and we need your power. Father reveal to us. Reveal to us your plan and your purpose in our lives. Father show yourself strong to us, in us, and through us.
Father today we ask that you make us a light. A light that shines bright for others to see you. Father help us to flow in your anointing. Help us to pray your word and your will. Father today we lay down our lives and we pick up your purpose and your plan. Father help us to understand that it is not about us. Help us to help those around us to understand that it is all about you. You are our source. You are our supply. You are our God.
We love you Lord .... we bless your name. There is none like you Daddy. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we ask that you make us a light. A light that shines bright for others to see you. Father help us to flow in your anointing. Help us to pray your word and your will. Father today we lay down our lives and we pick up your purpose and your plan. Father help us to understand that it is not about us. Help us to help those around us to understand that it is all about you. You are our source. You are our supply. You are our God.
We love you Lord .... we bless your name. There is none like you Daddy. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
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