Wednesday, April 25, 2012

PRAYER AND CONFESSION FOR TODAY - April 25, 2012 (For God's Help and Open Doors)

Father thank you for a new day.   Thank you for your love and your power.   Thank you for waking us up and going before us today.   Father you are so good.   We love you Lord.   We praise you Father.   Father we bless your name.   You are high above the heavens and the earth.   All that we are ....we are in you Daddy.   Glory to your name.    How excellent are you.   How magnificent are you Daddy.   

Father today we ask that you go before us and make every crooked place straight.   Father that you show forth your glory, your power, and your praise.    Father we need you.   We bless you Daddy.   We praise you Daddy.    Father help us.   Help us in our homes and on our jobs.   Father for those of us that don't have jobs or need new jobs, we ask that you open up doors today Daddy.   Wherever we are Daddy ..... help us.   Help us to do what is right .... to say what is right .... to live right in you Father.    Heal us Daddy.   Father you said that sickness and disease is not our portion.   Remove it now Father.   Remove those things in our lives and in our bodies that are counteracting your word and your promise.    Do what only you can do Daddy.    We bless you Father.   We praise you Father.   We magnify you Daddy.  There is none like you.   No one on heaven or earth that compares to you .... your goodness .... your grace .... and your glory.  

All that we are  .... we are in you.   We shall bless your name.    It is in Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.


I am a child of God.   Created in His image and formed after His likeness.   In Him I am well.   In Him ... all is well.   He is my source.   He is my supply.   He is my Healer and my Deliverer.   All that God is ... He is in me.    My life ... it is not my own.   My life was designed to show forth His glory .... His power ... and His praise.    All that I do .... I do in Him.   All that I say .... I say in Him.    My body is His temple.   My strength is based on His joy operating in my life.    Every challenge in my life is a victory in Him.   Every struggle in my life  is overcome in Him.    He is my shield and my protection.   As long as I stay in Him and under the covering of the blood .... nothing can by any means harm me.  No matter which way the enemy comes .... I am covered by the blood.   I am shielded by the blood.  I am kept by the blood.    Today I choose to have a victor's mentality.    I am not defeated .... nor am I lost.   I am victorious in Christ.   My battle has already been won.   The struggle with my mind is already overcome because I know who I am.   Better than that .... I know whose I am.    I am a child of the King.   The maker of heaven and earth is my Father.    So today and every day I will act like whose I am.    In Jesus name .... Amen.      

Take A Moment To Read Today's Daily Word .... Are You Ready To Act Like The Winner You Are? .... posted on

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...