Friday, December 1, 2023

PRAYER FOR TODAY - December 1st, 2023. (Praying That God Heals You, Delivers You, Strengthens You, and Blesses You)

Today I pray that as you walk with God that you open up your mouth and talk to Him.   I pray that you tell Him that you love Him and let Him know that you need Him.   I pray that you ask Him to do whatever it is that you need Him to do in your life.   


I pray today that as you seek Him that you find Him and I pray that as you find Him that He manifest His promises in your life.   I pray that He heals you, delivers you, strengthens you, and blesses you.   I pray that He fills you to the overflow with His love, joy, peace, power, goodness, and grace.   I pray that He empowers you to do great things in and with Him.   


I pray today that you walk in the fullness of all that God has prepared for you and I pray that as He continues to bless you that you will prove to be a blessing to those whom He has placed in your life in Jesus' name, amen.   



Ephesians 3:19

And to know the love of Christ, which passeth knowledge, that ye might be filled with all the fulness of God.

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...