Wednesday, February 29, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - February 29, 2012 (That God Go Before Us and Bless Us On Our Jobs and In Our Businesses)

Thank you Lord for a new day in you.   Thank you for your power and your grace.   For your goodness and your peace.   Daddy you are so good.    Today we ask that you go before us.   We yield to you.    We yield our mind, our will, and our emotions to you.   To your purpose and your plan for our lives.   Father you are so good.   

Today we lift up our jobs before you and ask that you go before us to our workplace.    We ask that you shield us, that you protect us, and that you use us as light to those around us on our jobs today.   Father let them begin to seek you.  To desire more of you.   Father they need you.   Touch their hearts today.   Let them begin to ask us more about who you are and what your plan is in the earth.   Open up doors of opportunity for us to tell people of your goodness and your grace.    Father for those of us that don't have jobs or that are seeking jobs .... Father bring them forth now.   Father put them in positions today so that they can be a light in your kingdom in the workplace.    We ask that you show forth favor and that you bring forth increase on jobs today.    

Father we know that you are a God of creativity.   For you said behold you do a new thing.   There are those who have believed you and trusted you to do the new thing through them.   They have stepped out on faith and have started their own business or are in the process of beginning their own business.   Father we ask that you lead, guide, and show forth your plan and your purpose on how to begin or continue these business endeavors.   Father we pray that everything that is done for the business, in the business, and through the business will line up with you and your word.   Father today we ask that you send forth clientele from the north, south, east, and the west.    Father we ask that you cause these businesses to prosper.    Father today we ask that you let your light and your favor be the greatest form of advertisement for these businesses that are based on faith in your word and what you told them to do.    Do it now Father.  Show forth your glory on your people and bless their endeavors that line up with your word.

Father it is in Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.        

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