Thursday, February 23, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - February 23, 2012 (Lifting Up Leaders ... In Government, Churches, Workplace, and Homes)

Father you are so good.   You are so great.   You are so God.   God we trust you today.   We love you today.   We thank you today.   We thank you for another opportunity to come into your presence and to commune with you.   To spend time with you.   To worship you.   Father we thank you for allowing us to speak to you and to tell you what's on our mind.    Thank you for allowing us the opportunity to intercede on the behalf of others.    For showing us that it's not just about us.   Our wants, our need, and our desires.....but you have allowed us the opportunity to come to you on behalf of those around us. 

Father we acknowledge who you are.   We take time today to see you for who and what you are to us.    Things get so busy Lord and sometimes we fail to take time for just you.   Forgive us Father.   Forgive us for not giving you what you deserve.   For you deserve first place in our lives.   Forgive us for putting other people, other places, other things before you.    Forgive us if we have failed to start our day with you or trust you in any way concerning our lives.  

Father we ask that you go before us today.   That you make every crooked place straight today.   Father go before us on our jobs, in our homes, to the doctor, in the store.    Wherever we go Daddy.....go before us.    Father we thank you for your presence.    For Father we know that in your presence .... there is breakthrough.   In your presence there is healing.   In your presence there is revelation and illumination.   It's all in your presence Father.    

Father today we lift up our leaders before you.   For your word says that we are to pray for kings and all that are in authority.   So today we lift up every person who holds a leadership position.   Whether it be in government, churches, workplace, or even our homes .... Father we lift them up before you.   We pray your anointing and grace upon them.   We pray your guidance for them.    Father let them see you today.   Let them hear you today.   Let them honor you today.    Father let your word be their light and their lamp.    Let your word guide them in the way that they should go and the decisions that they should make.   

Father thank you for all that you have done and everything that you are doing in our lives.    Father continue to be who you are.   In Jesus name we do pray.    Amen and Amen. 

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Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...