Tuesday, February 28, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - February 28, 2012 (Praying For Those Around Us To Experience Another Level of Who God Is)

Thank you Father.   Thank you for your love.   Thank you for your protection.   Thank you for your peace and your power.   Father you are so good.    Today Daddy we lift up those around us.   Our pastors, our co-workers, our neighbors, our family, and our friends.   We ask that you move upon them today.   Move for them Father.    Let them see you Daddy.   Your love, your joy, your peace, and your power.   Father we pray that your anointing overtakes them today.    Move in their lives.   Move in their situations.   Move them Daddy.   Move any complacency.    For complacency is a feeling of self satisfaction.   Father let their satisfaction be in you.   Let their joy be in you.   Let their peace be in you Daddy.   God you are well able to bring change in their lives.     You are well able to bring provision in their lives.   Father you are well able to bring joy in their lives.     Whatever state they may be in .... Father we ask that you increase them.    Take them to another level in you Daddy.     Another level of joy.   Another level of peace.   Another level of provision.    Another level of knowledge and acknowledgement Father.    God you are so good ..... do it for them Daddy.

Now Father ..... we thank you for meeting every need of our lives.   Every debt .... let it be paid Father.   Every pain ..... let it be taken away Father.    Every sickness .... let it be healed.   Whatever the need Father .... we ask that you do it Daddy.   Father do what you do.   Move and manifest in and through us today.   In Jesus name we do pray.    Amen.   

Take A Moment To Read Today's Daily Word .... Will You Be Extreme For God Today? .... posted on www.DailyMomentsWithGod.blogspot.com


Anonymous said...

Thank you for this prayer, whomever you are I believe your prayers are effective. I was personally able to connect with this prayer and the one on facebook and now feel confident that all things are being worked for the good of those who love Him. Again, thank you. by the way, as I read this along with an article about Sharon Stone, my left leg was trembling uncontrollably...any suggestions?

R. Lynn Moore said...

Praise God. I am so glad that God is moving and you are able to connect with this prayer. God is so good. He knows what to speak and when to speak it. I can't say what the trembling was a result of ..... but it is my prayer that the power and the presence of God was present in a way that was overwhelming. I do that a lot. Where I become consumed with His presence and just can't be still. Be blessed in Him...... and thank you for being a part of the Daily Moments With God family.....

PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...