Tuesday, August 4, 2015

PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 4, 2015 (Asking God To Bless Those Whom Have Been A Blessing In Our Lives)

Father help us.   Help us to get it right.   Father give us complete understanding of Your Word and Your will.   Father thank You for Your love and for Your forgiveness.  There are so many things in our lives that we haven't handled in the best way possible.  There may be mistakes that we have made along the way.   If there are Father we come to you now asking that You forgive us and help us.   Help us to know, see, and to do what is right and pleasing in Your sight.

Father thank You for the blessings You have poured upon us.  Thank You for blessing those who have poured out their love, their time, and even their resources into our lives in obedience to your Word and Your will.   Father bless them exceedingly and abundantly as only You can.  Father heal them, strengthen them, and provide for them.   Father continue to use their lives as lights for Your glory.   Father these are they whom have chosen to obey You and be a blessing to others.  Now Father we ask that You bless them as only You can.

Father thank You for all that You have done and are doing in our lives.  Thank You for Your love, grace, and forgiveness.  Thank You for Your peace and Your power.  Thank You Father for what You have done and are doing in our lives in Jesus name ... Amen.    


Maggie Dupree said...

Father, I thank you for Daily Moments moderators. I thank You for the awesome prayers that they post. I thank You for continuing to Bless each one of them and their family and friends. In the name of Jesus.

Timicka Dukes said...

Father god I thank you for blessing me to be united with my daughter I haven't seen her sent she was 1years old her birthday was on the 27th of July I was so upset that I couldn't be with on her birthday and my best friend found her on the 28th of July so with that been said god don't come when we want him to come be he's always on time I'm so bless she's back in my life amen!

PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...