Thursday, December 8, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - December 8, 2011 (That We Go About Our Day Knowing That God Is God....and That We Walk Within The Framework Of His Plan Which Includes A Hope, A Future, and An Expected End)

Thank you Lord.   Thank you for today.   Thank you for yesterday.   Thank you for everyday that we have in  you.   God you are so good.   Your love goes far beyond anything we could ever imagine.   Father we rest in your today.   In  your your your peace.....and in your power.   We trust in you today.   For Father we know that you know all things.   We know that you know the beginning to the end and you are just walking us through our day to day process.   

Father as we seek your face today......we ask that you move in our lives.   That you move in our situations.   That you move in our bodies.   That you move in our hearts and that you move in our minds.    Father it is our desire to be more like you.   To walk like you ..... to talk like you ..... and to love like you.    For your love  is unconditional.   Teach us to love unconditionally.   Teach us to rest without worry and fear.   Teach us to trust no matter what the distractions are around us.    Father....we want to be more like you.   

As we go about our day today.....let us go knowing you are God.    Let us go carrying the reflection of who you are.    Let us be reminders to those around us of your goodness, your grace, and your mercy.   We ask that you seal us with your love so that when we come in contact with people that are hurt, that are lost, that are in need of you Father.....they will come in contact with your seal of love.    

Father we lift up the lost and broken hearted today.   We lift them up before you and ask that you move in their lives today.   We ask that you fill the empty places.   The places that appear to be void of your understanding.   We ask that heal sick bodies.   For you said in your word that you are the God that healeth us.   We ask that you minister to peoples needs.   For Father you are our source and our resource.  Father we ask that you answer the call of those who are calling on you.   

Father let us lose ourselves in you today.   Help us to die to our plans and to pick up your plan.    For Father you said that you know the plan you have for us.   Your plan does not fluctuate.   It does not changed based on our emotions.    Father your plan includes a hope, a future, and an expected end.   Be who you are to us today.   Unfold your plan in our lives.   Help us to walk within the framework of what you have said.   In Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.

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Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...