Sunday, December 4, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - December 4, 2011 (That God Help Us To Wait and Trust In Him.....and That His Voice Be Audible To Our Situations)

Father thank you.   Thank you for waking us up this morning.   That you for seeing us on our way.    For Father when you see us.   When you guide us.  When you shield us.   When you protect us.   Father we know that we are safe in you.   Father thank you for your safety.   For your protection.   For your peace and your power today.   Your goodness and your grace go far beyond anything we could ever think, hope, or imagine.  

Father thank you for loving us.   For loving us beyond ourselves.    For there have been times Father where we have consistently walked in self.    Thinking that we could do things on our own.   Not trusting you.  Not waiting on you.   Father please forgive us for allowing our hearts and our minds to deter from who you are.   Forgive us for not waiting on you and trusting you with our lives.  

Father help us today.   Help us to be patient in you.   Help us to trust you.   To trust you with our families....with our friends....with our bills.....and with our bodies.   Help us to know that you said that you would watch over everything that concerns us.  Father our concerns are those things that worry us or that we have compassion for.  Father our families concern over them Lord.   Our friends concern us....keep them safe.   Bills and sickness cause us unnecessary stress and worry Lord.....remove them now in Jesus name.   

Father we stand on your word to us.   We make it our firm foundation.   The thing which we stand on and become established in.   Let your word speak today.   Speak to our hearts....speak to our minds....speak to our situations and our circumstances.    For when you speak Father......things change.    Let our hearts and our minds be open to your word today.   Let our lives adjust to your correction.   Let your voice be audible to our situations.   We trust  you Lord and we ask that you come in and change and correct everything that is not lining up with your word, your will, or your plan.

In Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.  

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...