Wednesday, December 21, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - December 21, 2011 (That The Seed Of God's Word Be Manifested Through The Knowledge Of Who He Is)

Father thank you for being you today.  Thank you for waking us up and allowing us to arise in you today.   Father we ask that you just lead us, guide us, comfort us, and protect us today.   Father we lift up your children before you.   We ask that you reveal yourself to your children today.   That you manifest your love.....your protection.....your peace......and your power today in the lives of your people.  

Father we ask that you open up blinded eyes.   Eyes that have been over exposed to the world.   That have allowed the world to interfere with how they see you and how they view you.   Father let their vision be clear today.   Let their view be unobstructed.    Father we ask that you heal sick bodies today.   That your anointing flow through sick bodies and manifest healing today.    Father we  uproot the bad seeds that have been planted in our hearts and minds and we plant fresh word.   For your word is as a seed......and we plant your word of healing today that says by Jesus stripes we are healed.   We plant your word of provision today that says that you knoweth the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things.   Father we plant your word of comfort today that says ..... you will never leave us nor forsake us.    Father these are the seeds of your word that we are planting today.  

Father we ask that your word be watered and that you bring forth the increase through the manifestation of our knowing.   Knowing that you and your word are true.   Father we pray that the power of who you are is revealed throughout the earth.   Father we ask that your life shine through us.  That your wisdom flow through us.   That your power be seen in and through us.   The power that says that we stand.   The power that says that we believe.   The power that manifests your goodness and your grace.   Let it be all about you.   Our words and our actions .... let them be about you Father.   

Be who you what you do.   Confirm our faith today and revel your love.    It is in Jesus name we do pray.    Amen.
Take A Moment To Read Today's Daily Word....

Letting God Be God....Stepping Out Of Self and Into Him...... posted on

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...