Sunday, December 18, 2011

PRAYER FOR TODAY - December 18, 2011 (That Our Lives Be A Reflection Of God's Love and That God Heal Families Today)

Praise you God.   You are so good.   You are so worthy to be praised.   From the rising of the sun .... to the going down of the same .... we will praise your name.    Good Morning Daddy.....How are you today?   We love you today.   We praise you today.   We magnify your name today.    Father we thank you for your goodness, for your grace, and for your mercy.   We choose you Daddy.   We make you our choice.   We choose to make you the head and not the tale of our life.   The one thing that we choose first in every situation in our life.   We choose to listen to you today.   Speak Lord.   Speak to our problems.   Speak to our bodies.   Speak to our lives.    Father we know that your word carries within it the power to change.   The power to change whatever the enemy is trying to do.   Your word changes it.    Your word overrides it.  

Father we come to  you today just asking that you be you.   Be God of our lives today.   Be our Healer, Be our Deliverer.   Be our Protection.   Be our Provision.   Father we just ask that you hear our cry and answer our prayer.    Our prayer is that you rule and reign.   Our prayers is that our lives line up with your word.   Our prayer is that your love be reflected through our lives.   That is our prayer Lord.  That is our cry.   Let our lives be a reflection of your love.   

Father we lift up families before you.   We lift them up asking that you move and manifest in them today.   That your power, your goodness, your grace, and your provision be seen in and through them.  Father we ask that you step in where families are being stressed by the ways of the world.   Where they may feel as though they don't have enough to do whatever they feel needs to be be done.   Step in Father.   Meet every need and pour out your provision upon their desires that line up with your word.   Father we ask that you bring healing to families today.   That you heal and restore relationships.   Where there has been division Father.....let your love close the gap.   Let your power break down every stronghold and every force that has caused division.   Father step in and move now.   Do what only you can do.    Heal families Father.

Father  you are so good and we trust you and your word for they are one.    Father we ask all these things in Jesus most holy and magnificent name.   Amen.

Take A Moment To Read Today's Daily Word ....

Where Is Love Taking You Today? How Do You Lay It All Down and Just Trust?  ... posted on

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...