Friday, November 29, 2019

PRAYER FOR TODAY – November 29, 2019 (Asking God To Bring Forth Healing To Every Area Of Our Lives … Physically, Mentally, Spiritually, and Financially)

What is it that you need for God to manifest in your life?   Do you need to be healed?   Do you need your bills paid?   Do you need to be delivered from something that has you bound?   Do you need peace?   Do you need a breakthrough?   Whatever it is, God can do it.  Have faith!  Keep your hope and trust in Him.  Let’s pray … 

Father thank You for all that You have done and all that You are doing.   Father we know that You can do all things.    We know that You can make a way where there appears to be no way.   We know that You can open up doors that have been closed.   We know that You can heal us and deliver us.   We know that You can give us peace in the midst of the storms that come with life.   So right now Father we come to You asking You to do what we need done in and through our lives.    

Father Your Word says that You are the Lord God that heals us and we ask that You bring forth healing in our lives physically, mentally, spiritually, and financially.   Father touch our bodies and touch our lives.   Strengthen us and bless us.   Cause Your goodness, grace, and glory to be seen in lives.   Let others see what You have done and let them know that You are not a respecter of persons.   Father we pray that others gain strength from our testimonies.   We pray that as they gain strength that they are strong enough to take a stand and to wait on You.

Father You see every need represented by every person reading this prayer.   Father I ask that You meet each of us at our individual point of needs.   Father let nothing go lacking.    For we know that all the resources in the earth belong to You.   So Father we ask that You send forth what’s needed in each household.   Father You said that You know the things we have need of and that You are faithful and just to meet our needs.   Do it now Father as only You can.    

Father I plead the blood of Jesus over every person reading this prayer.   I speak life to their lives right now.   Father I command every stronghold that has been holding them in captivity to broken right now.   Father I thank You for supernatural releases taking place right now.   I thank You for freedom.   Jesus died on the cross for us to be free and I thank You that Your people will walk in the freedom that Jesus died for them to have.   

Father let Your glory be seen.   Let Your peace and Your power prevail.    Father do what only You can in and through the lives of Your people in Jesus name … Amen. 

2 Chronicles 7:14 
King James Version
If my people, which are called by my name, shall humble themselves, and pray, and seek my face, and turn from their wicked ways; then will I hear from heaven, and will forgive their sin, and will heal their land.

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