Wednesday, October 24, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - October 24, 2012 (Asking God To Show Himself As Jehovah Rapha and Heal All Mental and Physical Disease)

Father thank you for a new day in you.  Thank you for your power, your love, your mercy and your grace.   Father you said in your word that your mercies are renewed daily.    Father thank you.   Thank you for holding us … Thank you for healing us Daddy.   Father thank you for comforting and covering us when we don’t know what else to do.    Father thank you for being our resource.   Thank you for being our supply.   Thank you for your manifested love and your manifested blessings.   

Father today we ask that you reveal more of you to us.   Show yourself as Jehovah Rapha.   We ask that you go before us and make our crooked places straight today Father.   We ask that you honor your word in our lives.    Father your word says that you are the God that heals us.    Father today we bind up every root of sickness and disease that is operating in our lives and we cast it down.   Father you said whatsoever we bind on earth is bound in heaven and whatsoever we loose on earth is loosed in heaven.   Father whether the sickness be mental distress or physical illness we ask that you take it away today.   That you remove any and all things that are intoxicating and controlling our bodies.   Father every trace of those things that are not of you and that don’t represent you.   Do it now Daddy.    Father cleanse  us and keep us.   Help us and deliver us.   Father our total trust and our total reliance is in you.   Do it now Daddy … in Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.        

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