Are you praying "in" faith or are you just praying? So often we just speak words ... but are those words ... words of faith? Words that believe that God will act and that He will move upon the request being made. We have to start praying "in" faith. It does no good to pray outside of faith.
Father today we come to you asking you to move on our behalf. Father we know that you are Creator and King. You are El Shaddai. You are Adonai. Father you are Jehovah Jireh ... our Provider. You are Jehovah Rapha ... our Healer. Father you in your word "I am that I am". So right here and right now Father you are everything that we have need of. Father we lift up every worry and every doubt in our lives to you and ask you to take them away. Father we desire to come to you in total and complete surrender and faith. Father we come expecting you to move in our situations. So today Father we ask for complete healing in every area of our lives. Heal our bodies, heal our minds, heal our hearts Father. Heal our finances. All we need Father is for your healing power to manifest in our lives like never before in Jesus name. Amen.
Daily Moments With God Prayer is an online prayer ministry that is connected to the online ministry of Daily Moments With God which is ministered/written by R. Lynn Moore, author of "Spending Daily Moments With God” and “Shattering The Glass Of Fear and Walking Fully In Faith". You can visit the online ministry at or on Facebook at GodWithRLynnMoore2. I am praying that each moment of your day is blessed in Him.
Wednesday, July 31, 2013
Monday, July 29, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 29, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us To Follow His Way In Prayer So That We Can Receive What He Has Already Done)
We have to begin to understand the importance of prayer. Why it is important to pray and to seek God. We need Him for direction. How can you go where you have never been without a map? God's word gives us direction in prayer. We have to begin to pray the word and we will always get to our final destination. In prayer ... our final destination is answers to what we are praying for.
Father help us today to stick to the road map of your word. Father to pray what you have said ... how you said it. Father your word is truth and you have given us your word so that we can know what you have already ordained for our lives. So Father teach us how to pray in agreement with what you have already said through your word. Father lead us, guide us, and direct us through the vehicle of you word. For you said that you know the plans you have for us. You said that you would watch over us and keep us. You said you have already prepared the way. Help us to follow your way in prayer so that we can receive what you have already done in Jesus name. Amen.
Sunday, July 28, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 28, 2013 (Offering God Fruitful Prayers Through An Atmosphere Of Faith & Praise)
Are you offering God futile prayer and futile praise? The word futile means fruitless. We have to understand that fruit comes from a seed. The seed of God's word has to be planted in order for fruit to grow. So when we pray, we need to pray God's word. By doing so ... we are planting the seed of His word in the atmosphere of our faith. We water that word with our praise and expectation. Then we watch that word that we planted through prayer bear fruit by coming to pass.
Father help us to learn how to pray your word and your word only. Father we trust you and we believe you. Because we believe you Father we will wait on you. Thank you Father for showing us over and over again who you are in our lives. Because we know who you are Father ... our atmosphere is charged with faith. Today Father we plant the seeds of your word into the atmosphere of faith and command healing to come forth for you said in your word that you are the God that heals us. We command every need to be met because you said in the word that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to take care of those needs. Father honor your words in our lives. Do it now and let our prayers be fruitful and not futile. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father help us to learn how to pray your word and your word only. Father we trust you and we believe you. Because we believe you Father we will wait on you. Thank you Father for showing us over and over again who you are in our lives. Because we know who you are Father ... our atmosphere is charged with faith. Today Father we plant the seeds of your word into the atmosphere of faith and command healing to come forth for you said in your word that you are the God that heals us. We command every need to be met because you said in the word that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to take care of those needs. Father honor your words in our lives. Do it now and let our prayers be fruitful and not futile. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, July 27, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 27, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us Respond In Love)
Sometimes you just don't know how to respond. How to respond to what people say. How to respond to what people do. How to respond when things don't work out the way you expect them to. How to respond to things coming up against your life. That's when all you can do is pray. Pray that God helps you with your response to people and life in general.
Father today we come before you asking you to help us to always give your response. Let our responses not be flesh responses. Instead let them be responses of love. Responses that represent you, your goodness, and your grace. Let us not react. Instead let us act in love. Father move in us and through us like only you can. Help us to reflect who you are to the people around us. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we come before you asking you to help us to always give your response. Let our responses not be flesh responses. Instead let them be responses of love. Responses that represent you, your goodness, and your grace. Let us not react. Instead let us act in love. Father move in us and through us like only you can. Help us to reflect who you are to the people around us. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, July 26, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 26, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us To Wait, Trust, and To Understand)
One of the hardest things to do is wait. To wait for answer. To wait for an outcome. To wait for the results. It's hard to wait because there is always that aspect of uncertainty. Not sure what it will be. Whether the result will be good or bad. That is why it is so important to trust God during your waiting period. To believe Him not matter how it looks in between. To know that He has the final say in your situation.
Father help us today. Help us to wait on you. To wait on your answer and to wait for your promised outcome. Father it sometimes gets hard. But we ask that you show us how to wait patiently. To trust you fully. To understand your outcome completely. Father we can't do any of this without you. We can't wait, trust, or understand without you. So help us now in Jesus name. Amen.
Father help us today. Help us to wait on you. To wait on your answer and to wait for your promised outcome. Father it sometimes gets hard. But we ask that you show us how to wait patiently. To trust you fully. To understand your outcome completely. Father we can't do any of this without you. We can't wait, trust, or understand without you. So help us now in Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday, July 24, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 24, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us In The Waiting)
It's hard to wait on God. But we have to get to a place of complete and total trust and obedience. The only way to do that is to ask God for His help. So let our prayer today be for God to help us in the waiting. Amen...
Father thank you for showing us how to wait. How to wait on you to move. How to wait on your promise to come to pass. Father its hard to be still sometimes. It hard not to try to fix it on our own. So help us. Help us to trust you and your word. Help us to be still and to know you are God. Help us to surrender all the hurt and pain to you. Help us to respond to the pressure with prayer instead of trying to fix everything. Father we need you and today we are asking for your help. Do it now Father in Jesus name. Amen.
Father thank you for showing us how to wait. How to wait on you to move. How to wait on your promise to come to pass. Father its hard to be still sometimes. It hard not to try to fix it on our own. So help us. Help us to trust you and your word. Help us to be still and to know you are God. Help us to surrender all the hurt and pain to you. Help us to respond to the pressure with prayer instead of trying to fix everything. Father we need you and today we are asking for your help. Do it now Father in Jesus name. Amen.
Tuesday, July 23, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 23, 2013 (Asking God To Show Us How To Patiently Wait On His Promise To Manifest In Our Lives)
Is time the factor or obedience. Sometimes we get to a place of wondering if God is ever going to do it. Is He ever going to answer our prayers? But sometimes it is not about time ... it's about obedience. It is about our lives being in line to receive His blessings.
Father help us today. Help us to obey your word. Help us to know that through faith and patience we shall receive your promises. Father it gets hard sometimes to wait. To be patient. To be still. So we need you. We need your strength to help us to endure. Father today we ask that you do what only you can do in and through our lives. That you teach us your word, your will, and your way. That you show us how to patiently wait on your promise to manifest. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father help us today. Help us to obey your word. Help us to know that through faith and patience we shall receive your promises. Father it gets hard sometimes to wait. To be patient. To be still. So we need you. We need your strength to help us to endure. Father today we ask that you do what only you can do in and through our lives. That you teach us your word, your will, and your way. That you show us how to patiently wait on your promise to manifest. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, July 22, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 22, 2013 (Learning How To Pray Outside Of The Box Of Our Own Lives)
There is so much going on in the world today. Are you praying outside of the box of your life? Sometimes we get so consumed with what we are going through that we never look outside the box and see what others are going through. It's time to open up the doors of eyes in prayer and begin to pray for those outside of our norm. Outside of the ones that are close to us. It's easy to pray for the people we know ... but it's time to pray for those we don't know. Pray so that they can receive God's peace and God's direction. Pray so that they can be kingdom bound.
Father today we come to you on behalf of this nation. We ask that you move and that you manifest like never before. We ask that you heal like never before. Let people see your hand move like never before. Father we lift up the sick to you and ask that you heal their bodies. Father we lift up those who are without homes to you and ask that you provide them with shelter. Father we lift up those who are lost today and we pray that they find their way back to you. Father we lift up those who need provision today and ask that you meet every need. Father you are the source and you are the supply. Do what only you can do throughout this earth. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we come to you on behalf of this nation. We ask that you move and that you manifest like never before. We ask that you heal like never before. Let people see your hand move like never before. Father we lift up the sick to you and ask that you heal their bodies. Father we lift up those who are without homes to you and ask that you provide them with shelter. Father we lift up those who are lost today and we pray that they find their way back to you. Father we lift up those who need provision today and ask that you meet every need. Father you are the source and you are the supply. Do what only you can do throughout this earth. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, July 21, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 21, 2013 (Asking God To Present Opportunities Where We Can Represent Him on Our Jobs, In Our Businesses, and Wherever Else We May Go)
Father thank you for your word. For your word works. Father you and your word are one. There is nothing we can do without you Father. For you are the source of life. Now Father I ask that you move and that you minister on our behalf. That you help us to see you more clearly. That you show us the direction you want us to go in. Father heal our bodies. Open up doors. Present opportunities to each person that is reading this prayer. Opportunities in the workforce. Opportunities for their businesses. Opportunities to represent you. To pour out your love and to tell people of your goodness, grace, and mercy. Father do it now. Bless them now. Cause your face and your favor to shine upon their lives. Heal them. Deliver them. Manifest like never before in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, July 20, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 20, 2013 (Thanking God and Expressing Our Need For Him)
Father thank you for your word. Thank you for your peace. Thank you for your power ruling and reigning in our lives. Father we need you. We need you in every area of our lives. We need your peace. We need your power. We need your healing and your provision. Father we need to know that you are near. Father there are so many things going on in our lives. We ask you right now to calm the storms of life. To direct our footsteps. To show us what you would have us to do. Give us the words to say to the people around us Father. Show us how to represent you here in the earth. Father we need you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, July 19, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 19, 2013 (Asking God To Take Us To A Place Where We Dominate Our Situations Instead Of Allowing Our Situations To Dominate Us)
There are many hurting people. People that don't know what to do or how to do it. People that have lost loved ones. People that are struggling with various types of addictions. You may be one of those people. But you have to understand ... God has a plan. A plan for your success. A plan to take you from the place of pain to the place of victory. He ordained you to be fruitful in life and to multiply. So you have to understand ... if He ordained He ... He put a plan in place to make it happen.
Father thank you for your plan. You plan for life. For our lives. Father we come to you now asking that you take us from a place of defeat and loneliness to a place of victory in you. A place of peace. A place of rest. A place of joy. A place where we dominate our situations instead of allowing our situations to dominate us. Father we need you. We are calling out for you. Father you said if we call ... you will answer. Father we help us now. Help us to move forward in your plan for our lives. Father we can't do it without you. We need you right now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father thank you for your plan. You plan for life. For our lives. Father we come to you now asking that you take us from a place of defeat and loneliness to a place of victory in you. A place of peace. A place of rest. A place of joy. A place where we dominate our situations instead of allowing our situations to dominate us. Father we need you. We are calling out for you. Father you said if we call ... you will answer. Father we help us now. Help us to move forward in your plan for our lives. Father we can't do it without you. We need you right now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, July 18, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 18, 2013 (Interceding On The Behalf Of Those Around Us)
It is so easy to become self consumed with what we are going through. Where we are trying to figure it out or trying to work it out. Don't get caught up on self. What you are going through and fail to pray for the needs of those around you. You are a designated representative. One whom God has chosen to intercede on the behalf of those around you. You are a modern day Moses. You have access to the throne room. Make sure you are going before the throne in prayer for the people.
Father thank you for the opportunity to come before you. Thank you for we know you hear our prayer. Father today we lift up the people (those we know and those that we don't know) before you. We ask that you move in their lives like never before. Heal them, set them free, deliver them Father. Show them your will, your word, and your way. Father cause your face and your favor to shine upon their lives. Let them see you more clearly. Your word and your work in their lives. Father move in the lives of your people. Let your anointing flow to them and through them. Let your love overwhelm them in Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday, July 17, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 17, 2013 (Laying Down Our List To Pick Up God's Plan)
So often we walk through life giving God our list. Our list of what we want and what we feel we need. But are we quiet and still enough to know what God wants and what He needs us to do for Him. Are we seeking His will through His word. We have to stop making our own list and to begin to list out and check off what God is seeking from us. Our willingness, our obedience, our faithfulness. We have to understand ... if we walk in these thing ... willingness, obedience, faithfulness ... we won't have to list out our wants and our desires. They will begin to come automatically.
Father help us to seek you. Help us to seek your word, your wisdom, and your way. Father help us to lay aside self and to pick up your purpose and your plan. Father show us your ways. Unveil and reveal to us your plan for our lives. Father we need you. Father we want to do it your way. We want to live for you and rest in you. So Father we are asking for your help right now. We surrender all to you. Our lives completely to you. Help us now Father ... in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, July 16, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 16, 2013 (Thanking God For Being There When Everything Else Seems To Be Caving In)
Sometimes we get to a place where everything looks like it is all caving in at once. It's at those times we have to realize that we are surrounded by God's presence. Where the enemy is trying to step in and to destroy us .... God is protecting us. No things may not look the way we want them to. They may not feel the way we want them to. They may not turn out the way we want them to ... BUT God is still there shielding us and protecting us.
Father thank you for your protection. Thank you for how you watch over us and keep us. Even when things seem to be caving in on us ... Father you are still there. You are our strength. You are our peace. You are the power that is working within us. Father thank you. Thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Thank you for being our guide and thank you for being our rearguard. Thank you Father for all you have done and all you are doing in Jesus name. Amen.
Father thank you for your protection. Thank you for how you watch over us and keep us. Even when things seem to be caving in on us ... Father you are still there. You are our strength. You are our peace. You are the power that is working within us. Father thank you. Thank you for never leaving us nor forsaking us. Thank you for being our guide and thank you for being our rearguard. Thank you Father for all you have done and all you are doing in Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, July 15, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 15, 2013 (Asking God To Help Our Unbelief)
Sometimes it's hard to pray. Sometimes you don't know what to pray. Sometimes we get to a place where we ask ourselves are our prayers working. We have to understand that every time we pray, we must pray in faith. We must pray with expectancy. We must pray knowing that God hears us and that He will answer us.
Father help us today. Help us to pray with expectancy. Help us to know, see, and understand that your ear is attentive to our cry. Father there are times when we don't know what to pray or even how to pray because of the pain we feel inside. At those times Father help us. Help us to still come to you and lay before you. Help us to articulate what we want and need to say to you. Father our prayer is communion with you. Father help us to always be in a place where we commune with you Father. Help us to not question our faith. For when we question you ... that is unbelief. Father as the man cried out in Mark 9:24 ... we cry out to you if there are areas in our lives where we have failed to trust and believe you .... "Father... help our unbelief". Do it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Father help us today. Help us to pray with expectancy. Help us to know, see, and understand that your ear is attentive to our cry. Father there are times when we don't know what to pray or even how to pray because of the pain we feel inside. At those times Father help us. Help us to still come to you and lay before you. Help us to articulate what we want and need to say to you. Father our prayer is communion with you. Father help us to always be in a place where we commune with you Father. Help us to not question our faith. For when we question you ... that is unbelief. Father as the man cried out in Mark 9:24 ... we cry out to you if there are areas in our lives where we have failed to trust and believe you .... "Father... help our unbelief". Do it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Sunday, July 14, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 14, 2013 (Seeking God's Direction Through The Avenue Of Prayer)
Are you feeling lost? Does it feel as though you don't know which way to go? God has given us an avenue to seek His direction so that we will always know which way to go. Start seeking Him. Seek Him through prayer. Amen.
Father thank you. Thank you for giving us the avenue of prayer. A way to come to you and to seek your word concerning our situation. Help us now Father. Help us to know which way to go and what to do. Help us to move according to your word and help us to sit still long enough for your word to work for us. Father we love you. Our trust and our hope are both completely in you. In Jesus name we do pray. amen.
Father thank you. Thank you for giving us the avenue of prayer. A way to come to you and to seek your word concerning our situation. Help us now Father. Help us to know which way to go and what to do. Help us to move according to your word and help us to sit still long enough for your word to work for us. Father we love you. Our trust and our hope are both completely in you. In Jesus name we do pray. amen.
Saturday, July 13, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 13, 2013 (Calling On God For The Answers We Need In Life)
Sometimes its hard. Sometimes you don't know what to do. Sometimes you hurt. Sometimes you are in pain. But it is at all those times that you need to call on God. Call on God for all the answers you need in your life.
Father today we come to you asking you to move and manifest in our lives. We ask that you help us to see you more clearly. Father sometimes its hard. Sometimes we don't know what to do next. Sometimes it hurts. But at all times you are there. So help us Father to see you in the midst of it all. To hear you and to know that you are near. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you Father. For you alone are God. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, July 12, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 12, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us Get Closer To Him So That We Can Truly Understand His Ability and Capability)
What is it? What is it that you need in order to feel free? You see you have already been set free. So what it is that you need to "feel" to let you know that you are free indeed? It's time to get closer to God. When you are close to someone ... you gain insight into the ability and capabilities of that person. You have to begin to understand the ability of God and what He is capable of doing in and through your life.
Father today we come to you asking you to help us get closer. Closer to you. Closer in knowledge and closer in understanding. Father help us to know you more. To understand you more. To believe you more. To rest in you more. Help us to live like we know. Like we know that you are King of kings and Lord of lords. To live free from the bondage of sin and to rest in the river of your love. Help us Father. Help us to come to the realization that YOU have set us free and because YOU did it ... we are free indeed. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, July 11, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 11, 2013 (Offering God A Prayer Of Thanksgiving and Not Getting Caught In The Trap Of What We Are Going Through)
There are so many things in our lives to be thankful for. People, places, achievement, victories ... and so much more. Sometimes we just have to give God a prayer of thanksgiving. Thanking Him for what He has done and thanking Him for what He is about to do. We have to make sure we don't get caught in the trap of what we are going through and in turn fail to thank Him based on our wanting Him to do something else.
Father today we just come before you to say thank you. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for healing our bodies. For making a way when we didn't know the way. For delivering us ... even when we made bad decisions. Thank you Father for manifesting your love to us and through us. Thank you for your protection. For your peace. For your strength and for your joy. Father we thank you for our families and our homes. Our jobs and even if we don't have a job ... thank you for sustaining us. Father you are so good and we just want to say thank you for all that you continuously do for us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Father today we just come before you to say thank you. Thank you for what you have done. Thank you for healing our bodies. For making a way when we didn't know the way. For delivering us ... even when we made bad decisions. Thank you Father for manifesting your love to us and through us. Thank you for your protection. For your peace. For your strength and for your joy. Father we thank you for our families and our homes. Our jobs and even if we don't have a job ... thank you for sustaining us. Father you are so good and we just want to say thank you for all that you continuously do for us. In Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday, July 10, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 10, 2013 (Praying Knowing That Our Problems Cannot Stand Against God's Word)
Sometimes when we are going through, the problems seem much bigger than we can bear. But we have to learn how to knock thing things that are coming against our lives down with our words. There is a reason God told us in His word to put on His whole armor and there is a reason He told us about the power of words. He wants us to do it and use them. To put on the whole armor of God and to stand against the wiles of the devil. To speak His creative word into our situations in order for our situations to line up with His word.
Father help us today. Help us to be vessels tried and true. Show us how to live not only for you but in you. Today Father we gird ourselves with your armor and we speak words of truth. Today Father we declare and decree your truth to be prevalent in our lives. Today Father we come against the untruths of the enemy and speak your truth into our situations. For today Father we are healed. We are set free. We are delivered. Today we have more than enough. Father today we walk in divine peace. For today is the day that you have made. So Father today and every day we walk in victory in you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father help us today. Help us to be vessels tried and true. Show us how to live not only for you but in you. Today Father we gird ourselves with your armor and we speak words of truth. Today Father we declare and decree your truth to be prevalent in our lives. Today Father we come against the untruths of the enemy and speak your truth into our situations. For today Father we are healed. We are set free. We are delivered. Today we have more than enough. Father today we walk in divine peace. For today is the day that you have made. So Father today and every day we walk in victory in you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, July 9, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 9, 2013 (Getting Into Position Through Prayer)
Prayer positions you. It moves you into a place with God where He can hear you and you can hear Him. So often in life we try to do it all by ourselves. That's not God. It is not His word or His will to try to do it on our own. He tells us over and over again in His word to lean on Him ... To trust Him ... To rest in Him. Prayer puts us in a position of leaning, trusting, and resting. Amen...
Father thank you for this day. To lay before you and to rest in you. Father thank you for always having an open ear to hear us. Thank you for always pouring out your love and your mercy upon us. Father you are so good. Now Father we ask that you move in our lives like never before. Help us to be pure and holy before you. Help us to see you more clearly. Help to be motivated to move when you say move. Help us Father. For it is our desire to be reflections of you and your word. But we need you. We can't do it alone and we have not desire to. So today we ask that you take us to the new places you would have us to go in you. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father thank you for this day. To lay before you and to rest in you. Father thank you for always having an open ear to hear us. Thank you for always pouring out your love and your mercy upon us. Father you are so good. Now Father we ask that you move in our lives like never before. Help us to be pure and holy before you. Help us to see you more clearly. Help to be motivated to move when you say move. Help us Father. For it is our desire to be reflections of you and your word. But we need you. We can't do it alone and we have not desire to. So today we ask that you take us to the new places you would have us to go in you. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, July 8, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 8, 2013 (Knowing What To Do When We Feel Like Giving Up and When We Are Tired, Hurting, and In Need Of Direction)
What do you do when you feel like giving up? What do you do when you are tired? What do you do when you are hurting? What do you do when you need direction? Do you seek help? Are you looking to God for help or are you looking to man? Are you letting God be who He said He would be to you, for you, and through you? What do you do?
Father today we come to you asking you to help us turn to you. Help us to turn to you when we are weak. Help us to turn to you when we are tired. Help us to turn to you when we are hurting. Father when we need direction ... help us to turn to you. Father today we are seeking your help. Your wisdom. Your guidance. Your direction. Father you are the source of life. We shall not seek others. We will focus our attention on you and your promises to us. Father work through us. Thank you for the covering of the blood and we ask that your love flow freely to us and through us. We need you and Father we don't want to make a move without you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we come to you asking you to help us turn to you. Help us to turn to you when we are weak. Help us to turn to you when we are tired. Help us to turn to you when we are hurting. Father when we need direction ... help us to turn to you. Father today we are seeking your help. Your wisdom. Your guidance. Your direction. Father you are the source of life. We shall not seek others. We will focus our attention on you and your promises to us. Father work through us. Thank you for the covering of the blood and we ask that your love flow freely to us and through us. We need you and Father we don't want to make a move without you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, July 7, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 7, 2013 (Praying Knowing That God Has Already Predetermined Our Victory)
Did you know your victory has already been predetermined? You are praying and you are asking God to move in your life ... but do you realize that the victory ... the answer ... the solution ... was already predetermined from the foundation of the earth? God already prepared the answer. He already made a way. He already answered the prayer ... You just have to tap into the answer by following His procedure. His procedure is for you to come to Him.
Father thank you. Thank you for predetermining our victory. Thank you for providing the solution before we even knew about the problem. Now Father we come to you. We come to you knowing that you are God. Knowing that you are our source. Knowing that you constantly have us on your mind. Father we ask for release right now. Release of your answer to what we are going through. Release of your peace. Release of your provision. Release of your healing. Release it now Father. You already prepared it ... now we ask that you release it in Jesus name. Amen.
Father thank you. Thank you for predetermining our victory. Thank you for providing the solution before we even knew about the problem. Now Father we come to you. We come to you knowing that you are God. Knowing that you are our source. Knowing that you constantly have us on your mind. Father we ask for release right now. Release of your answer to what we are going through. Release of your peace. Release of your provision. Release of your healing. Release it now Father. You already prepared it ... now we ask that you release it in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, July 6, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 6, 2013 (Thanking God For The Opportunity To Come To Him In Prayer)
Every day is a new day. A new day to worship God. To praise God and to go to God in prayer. When you go to God in prayer ... you are community with God. Taking time to have a conversation with Him. Letting Him know how you feel and what you have need of in your life. He wants us to talk to Him. The only people that we don't talk to are strangers. God is not a stranger. Don't treat Him like one.
Father thank you. Thank you for allowing us an opportunity to come to you. To talk to you. To tell you all about how we feel. We know you know. For you said that you know what is in our hearts. But you said to come to you and to tell you. So today Father we thank you for the opportunity to worship you, praise you, and to tell you what it is we feel right now. Father we invite you in to every situation concerning our lives and we ask you to heal us, deliver us, and strengthen us. We love you Lord and we praise your holy name. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father thank you. Thank you for allowing us an opportunity to come to you. To talk to you. To tell you all about how we feel. We know you know. For you said that you know what is in our hearts. But you said to come to you and to tell you. So today Father we thank you for the opportunity to worship you, praise you, and to tell you what it is we feel right now. Father we invite you in to every situation concerning our lives and we ask you to heal us, deliver us, and strengthen us. We love you Lord and we praise your holy name. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, July 5, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 5, 2013 (Telling God Thank You)
Thank you Father. Thank you for your peace and your power. Thank you for your direction. Thank you for your wisdom and your understand. Thank you that your word is true. Father today we thank you because you are God. You are our source, our supply, our healer, and our deliverer. Father you make a way where there seems to be no way. Father you help in the hard times and in the dark times. Father your word is truth. Thank you for your manifested blessings Father. Thank you for your supernatural power and grace. Thank you for honoring your word in and through our lives. Thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing in Jesus name. Amen.
Thursday, July 4, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 4, 2013 (Are You Praying For All God's People or Just Your Separate Agenda ... Be An Intercessor)
God not only wants us to pray for our situations, He wants us to be a strong voice for others. He wants to lay down our agendas and pick up His agenda. This is what love is all about. God's kind of love. It is sacrificial. It is not self seeking. It puts others before ourselves. So today let's be intercessors. Let's pray in agreement for God to move in someone else's life today and not just our own.
Father thank you. Thank you for your word and the power of your word. Thank you that your word manifests. Father we lift up our family, our friends, people we know and people we don't know before you today. We ask that you move. That you heal. That you set free. That you deliver them. Father let them see you like never before. Let them experience you like never before. Touch their bodies. Strengthen their hearts. Let them know that with you they can do all things. They can make it. They can not only accomplish great things, but they can excel is those great things that they accomplish. Father today ... help us look beyond our own agenda in order to see your agenda. Your agenda that goes beyond our separate lives and causes us to pray for your plan for all your people in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father thank you. Thank you for your word and the power of your word. Thank you that your word manifests. Father we lift up our family, our friends, people we know and people we don't know before you today. We ask that you move. That you heal. That you set free. That you deliver them. Father let them see you like never before. Let them experience you like never before. Touch their bodies. Strengthen their hearts. Let them know that with you they can do all things. They can make it. They can not only accomplish great things, but they can excel is those great things that they accomplish. Father today ... help us look beyond our own agenda in order to see your agenda. Your agenda that goes beyond our separate lives and causes us to pray for your plan for all your people in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, July 3, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 3, 2013 (Asking God To Forgive Us For Not Surrendering It All To Him ... and Asking Him To Take Control)
Are you trusting God with it? Whatever it is you are going through right now ... are you truly trusting God with it?
Father today we surrender. We surrender to your word and to your will. We surrender to your plan and your purpose. Father we let go of it all so that you can have it all. Father forgive us for where we haven't surrendered or let go. Father forgive us for trying to take control when all you want to do is to have control so that you can fix it. So that you can heal our hurt and deliver us from the strongholds that are trying to take control of our lives. Father forgive us. We release it all to you right now. Father do what only you can do. Heal us, set us free, and deliver us RIGHT NOW in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we surrender. We surrender to your word and to your will. We surrender to your plan and your purpose. Father we let go of it all so that you can have it all. Father forgive us for where we haven't surrendered or let go. Father forgive us for trying to take control when all you want to do is to have control so that you can fix it. So that you can heal our hurt and deliver us from the strongholds that are trying to take control of our lives. Father forgive us. We release it all to you right now. Father do what only you can do. Heal us, set us free, and deliver us RIGHT NOW in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, July 2, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 2, 2013 (Asking God To Undergird Us With His Power, His Ability, and His Strength)
God loves you. He wants what is best for you. He wants you to walk in the fullness of His word. Believing Him and trusting Him. If you struggle with that ... ask God for help. Ask Him to help you to trust Him and to believe Him. Ask Him to strengthen you and to help you to move forward in Him.
Father today we come before you asking you for help. Asking you to help our unbelief. If there are areas in our lives where we don't trust or believe you completely ... Father help us. Father it is our desire to serve you and to worship you with all that is within us. Father help us to rest in you. To believe you. To trust you. To wait on you. Father we are not strong in our selves ... But in you Father we are more than able to stand. For in you Father we have your word to undergird us. In you Father we have you ability to help our inability. Father we rest in you today. We wait on you today. We expect you today to help us do and accomplish everything you have called us to do. In Jesus name. Amen.
Father today we come before you asking you for help. Asking you to help our unbelief. If there are areas in our lives where we don't trust or believe you completely ... Father help us. Father it is our desire to serve you and to worship you with all that is within us. Father help us to rest in you. To believe you. To trust you. To wait on you. Father we are not strong in our selves ... But in you Father we are more than able to stand. For in you Father we have your word to undergird us. In you Father we have you ability to help our inability. Father we rest in you today. We wait on you today. We expect you today to help us do and accomplish everything you have called us to do. In Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, July 1, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - July 1, 2013 (Praying Understanding That We Don't Have To Fix and Figure Everything Out On Our Own)
Thank God for who He is. Praise God for what He has done. Go to God when you have a need. Stop trying to fix it and figure everything out on your own. You have a Father that cares. Trust Him. Believe Him. Utilize the tool of prayer that He has given you.
Father today we come to you. Asking you to move. Asking you to manifest. Asking you to do what needs to be done in our lives. Father we're tired of toiling. Tired of trying to figure it out on our own. Father we need you. We trust you. We belong to you. We are your children. Father you are our Daddy and you know how to take care of your children. Father we ask that you meet every need. That you open the doors that need to be open in our lives and close those that need to be close. Help us now Father. We love you and we trust you. In Jesus name ... Amen.
Father today we come to you. Asking you to move. Asking you to manifest. Asking you to do what needs to be done in our lives. Father we're tired of toiling. Tired of trying to figure it out on our own. Father we need you. We trust you. We belong to you. We are your children. Father you are our Daddy and you know how to take care of your children. Father we ask that you meet every need. That you open the doors that need to be open in our lives and close those that need to be close. Help us now Father. We love you and we trust you. In Jesus name ... Amen.
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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, today we come to You asking You for favor. Father, we ask that You give us favor with You and favor with man. Father, You said i...
Father today we come to You asking that You help us to stay strong in You. Help us Father to not give up and to not give in. Father we n...