Thank you Father. Thank you for your love. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son to die for us. Father there is nothing that compares to your love for us. We love you Lord. We trust you Lord. We believe you Lord.
Father today we celebrate our Savior. We shout aloud His name. We praise His name. We thank you Father for the power of the blood that was shed just for us. Just so that we could live. Just so we could be healed. Just so we could be saved. Father thank you for the blood.
Father we love you and we exalt you. We worship and we praise you. There is none like you Father. We adore you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Daily Moments With God Prayer is an online prayer ministry that is connected to the online ministry of Daily Moments With God which is ministered/written by R. Lynn Moore, author of "Spending Daily Moments With God” and “Shattering The Glass Of Fear and Walking Fully In Faith". You can visit the online ministry at or on Facebook at GodWithRLynnMoore2. I am praying that each moment of your day is blessed in Him.
Sunday, March 31, 2013
Saturday, March 30, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 30, 2013 (Emptying Our Load So God Can Fill Us, Strengthen Us, and Empower Us)
Father thank you. Thank you for this opportunity to say we love you. To say thank you. To exalt your name and to live out loud for you. Thank you for leading us. Thank you for guiding us. Thank you for shielding us and thank you for protecting us. We love you Lord. We praise you Lord. We magnify you Father.
Father you are so good. You are so worthy to be praised. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same ... WE WILL PRAISE YOUR NAME.
Father today we give it all over to you. We dump the load. All the stuff we have been carrying we pour out today. Father we are emptying our vessels ... so that you can fill us up. Fill us with your power and fill us with your might. Strengthen us today. Empower us Father. Show forth your glory in and through our lives. Father today we declare our freedom from everything that has been trying to hold us back. We are free today in you Father and we give you all the honor, glory, and praise. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father you are so good. You are so worthy to be praised. From the rising of the sun to the going down of the same ... WE WILL PRAISE YOUR NAME.
Father today we give it all over to you. We dump the load. All the stuff we have been carrying we pour out today. Father we are emptying our vessels ... so that you can fill us up. Fill us with your power and fill us with your might. Strengthen us today. Empower us Father. Show forth your glory in and through our lives. Father today we declare our freedom from everything that has been trying to hold us back. We are free today in you Father and we give you all the honor, glory, and praise. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, March 29, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 29, 2013 (Thanking God For Sending His Son To Die For Us ... and Laying Down Our Sin To Pick Up His Purpose)
Thank you Father. Thank you for your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. Thank you for your peace and your power. Father thank you for all that you have done and all that you are doing. Father as we go through this day ... we go through knowing that you are God. That you sent your Son to die for us. Thank you Father for the sacrifice of your Son. Thank you for giving us more than enough and doing more than enough for us, in us, and through us. Thank you Father for loving us so much and causing your face and your favor to manifest in and through us. Father you are so good.
Father today we walk in the freedom you have provided. We walk closer to you for the veil has been torn. We trust fully and completely in you. We lay down our sin and we pick up your purpose. Help us Father to fulfill our call in you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we walk in the freedom you have provided. We walk closer to you for the veil has been torn. We trust fully and completely in you. We lay down our sin and we pick up your purpose. Help us Father to fulfill our call in you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, March 28, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 28, 2013 (Asking God To Lead Us With His Word and To Allow Us To Pour Into The Lives Of Those Around Us)
Father thank you for your word. Thank you for your power and your might. Thank you for leading us. Thank you for guiding us. Thank you for strengthening us. Thank you for delivering us. Father you are so good. You are so faithful. You are so worthy to be praised. We lift you up. We magnify you. We glorify you. You alone are God. You alone are worthy. You alone are all we need.
Father help us today. Help us to reflect who you are to the world. Let them see your love through us. Let them see the manifestation of your power through the things you do in us and for us. Give us words of encouragement to pour into those around us. Lead us with your word Father. Do it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Father help us today. Help us to reflect who you are to the world. Let them see your love through us. Let them see the manifestation of your power through the things you do in us and for us. Give us words of encouragement to pour into those around us. Lead us with your word Father. Do it now in Jesus name. Amen.
Wednesday, March 27, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 27, 2013 (Thanking God For Allowing Us To Be His Representatives Today)
Thank you Father. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for allowing us to be your representatives today. Thank you for going before us and making are crooked places straight today. Father you are so good. We love you Father. We exalt you Father. There is none like You. You open up doors Father in our lives, that no man can close. Father you comfort and keep us when we are lonely. Father you keep us when we are weak. Father we love you. We exalt you. We trust you. For all that we are and all that we do Father we do in you. We place our lives in your hands. In Jesus name. Amen.
Tuesday, March 26, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 26, 2013 (Prayer For Leaders)
Thank you Father. Thank you for your word. Thank you for your power, your goodness, your grace, and your mercy. Thank you for the manifestation of who you are in our lives. For Father you are peace, you are love, you are job. Father you are whatever it is we need. So Father we thank you for manifesting in every way in our lives today.
Father today we lift up our leaders before you. For you said in your word to pray for kings and all that are in authority. So Father we lift them up. We pray that your word and your wisdom will be their leading force. Let them see who you are. Show them your ways Father. Father as they see you ... we pray that they become committed to you. To your word and your wisdom. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we lift up our leaders before you. For you said in your word to pray for kings and all that are in authority. So Father we lift them up. We pray that your word and your wisdom will be their leading force. Let them see who you are. Show them your ways Father. Father as they see you ... we pray that they become committed to you. To your word and your wisdom. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, March 25, 2013
Prayer For Today - March 25, 2013 (Asking That God's Power Flow)
Father thank you for a new day a new day to walk in your wisdom and your word. A new day to hear you and a new day to know you. A new day to experience your goodness your grace your love and your mercy. Thank you Father for newness today. For peace today. For power today. Thank you for healing us and answering our prayers Father. Father today we ask that you go before us and that you make a crooked places straight. That you empower us with your goodness and with your grace. That you enhance our ability with your ability. Thank you for enabling us and empowering us to do your word and your work. Thank you for your power resting in us. Thank you as we pray and lay hands on the sick today Father we ask that your power flow through their bodies and that you heal them. As we speak your word today. Father we ask that your power flow and things change as we live out to word today Father we ask that you do in our lives what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray amen and amen
Sunday, March 24, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 24,2013 (Praying For Families)
Father thank you for your word today. Father thank you that your word is true. Father we lift up families today. Father we take authority over the attacks that are coming against the unity, safety, and stability of families today. Father we bind up where the enemy is trying to divide households today. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over household and every family member represented by those that are reading this prayer right now. Help them Lord. Heal Them. Minister to them. Restore peace and unity to their families." Do it now Father in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, March 23, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 23, 2013 (Asking God To Come Into Our Lives and Change Our Situations)
Father thank you for you word. Thank you for your power. Thank you for your people. Father you are so good. We love you so much. We ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight. That you empower us with your power. Father do what only you can. Heal like only you can. Deliver like only you can. Manifest Father. Heal ... set free ... and deliver.
Father our hearts cry is for you. For you to come into our situations and cause our lives to change. Change to reflect who you are and what you have done in our lives. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father our hearts cry is for you. For you to come into our situations and cause our lives to change. Change to reflect who you are and what you have done in our lives. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, March 22, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 22, 2013 (Asking God To Cover Us, Comfort Us, and Provide For Us Like Only He Can)
Father thank you for your word. Thank you for your power. Thank you Father for what yo have done and what you are doing in our lives. Father today we come to you asking that you move and that you manifest like never before. We ask that you heal our bodies today. From the crown of our head to the soles of our feet. Father heal us today. Deliver us today. Set us free today. Father today we ask that you manifest like never before. Manifest your power in and through our lives. Father open doors of opportunity and close doors of deceit. Father let us not be deceived. Father help us to be your children and to do your will. We need you Daddy. We need you to cover us, comfort us, and provide for us like only you can in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, March 21, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 21, 2013 (Asking God To Help Us Hear Him Clearly Without Compromise)
Thank you for a new day in you. A new day of power, goodness, grace, love, and mercy. Father you said your mercy is renewed daily and we thank you. Father thank you for not making us live in yesterday's mistakes. Thank you for this opportunity to begin again in you. To trust again in you. To live again in you. Father you are so good to us. Your power and your love is overwhelming. We thank you Father. We trust you Father. We believe YOU Daddy.
Now Father we ask that you show us what you want us to do next. Father we don't want to move without you. We don't want to start endeavors without you. We don't want to finish the things we have started without you. So Father we ask that you unveil yourself like never before. Let our direction be clear in you. Father we desire to hear you clearly without compromise. We desire to know you fully ... without compromise. We desire to see you clearly. Father our trust is in you. Our eyes are on you. Our peace is in your word and your promises. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you show us what you want us to do next. Father we don't want to move without you. We don't want to start endeavors without you. We don't want to finish the things we have started without you. So Father we ask that you unveil yourself like never before. Let our direction be clear in you. Father we desire to hear you clearly without compromise. We desire to know you fully ... without compromise. We desire to see you clearly. Father our trust is in you. Our eyes are on you. Our peace is in your word and your promises. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, March 20, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 20, 2013 (Asking God To Heal Us, Set Us Free, and Deliver Us RIGHT NOW in Jesus Name)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your power and your might. Thank you for your word of truth. Thank you Daddy for being who you are. For being our God. Our Father. Our Creator and our King. Thank you for how you love us, shield us, and protect u. Thank you Father for you are so good to us.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight today. That you heal us, set us free, deliver us. Father our eyes are on you. We are focused Father on your will, your purpose, and your plan. Father our trustt is in you. Father we are doing what you told us to do ... now Father honor your word in our lives. Heal us, set us free, and deliver us RIGHT NOW in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight today. That you heal us, set us free, deliver us. Father our eyes are on you. We are focused Father on your will, your purpose, and your plan. Father our trustt is in you. Father we are doing what you told us to do ... now Father honor your word in our lives. Heal us, set us free, and deliver us RIGHT NOW in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, March 19, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 19, 2013 (Thanking God For His Rod and His Staft That Comforts Us)
Thank you Father for a new day in you. A new day of power and new day to praise. Father you are so good to us. You watch over us ... You keep us. You shield us and you protect us. Father thank you for what you have done and thank you Father for what you are about to do.
Father help us to be treasured vessels. Vessels of honor and vessels of glory. Father let us not go astry. Father thank you for your rod of correction. For you are the good Shepherd and your rod and your staff it comforts us. Thank you for guiding us with the rod of your word. Father you for all that you have done and all that you are doing. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father help us to be treasured vessels. Vessels of honor and vessels of glory. Father let us not go astry. Father thank you for your rod of correction. For you are the good Shepherd and your rod and your staff it comforts us. Thank you for guiding us with the rod of your word. Father you for all that you have done and all that you are doing. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, March 18, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 18, 2013 (Thanking God For Changing The Atmosphere Of Our Lives To Be Conducive With His Word)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new moment in you. At this very moment things are changing Father. They are turning around Father. They are getting brighter Daddy. Father thank you for changing the atmosphere. For causing the atmosphere of our lives to become conducive with your word. Thank you.
Today we ask that the power of the blood be made manifest. Let it be made manifest in us and through us. Let it be made manifest in our homes, on our jobs, in our families, in our lives. Let healings take place. Let peace rule and reign. Do what only you can do for us, in us, and through us. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Today we ask that the power of the blood be made manifest. Let it be made manifest in us and through us. Let it be made manifest in our homes, on our jobs, in our families, in our lives. Let healings take place. Let peace rule and reign. Do what only you can do for us, in us, and through us. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, March 17, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 17, 2013 (Asking God To Move and Manifest and Bring Forth Healing and Increase Right Now)
Thank you Father for a new day in you. A new day to tell the world about your goodness, your grace, your love and your mercy. A new day to shout for joy and to praise your holy name. A new day to experience your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. A new day Father ... specifically designed by you … for us. Father you are so good and we say thank you.
Father today we lift up those who are sick and ask that your divine healing manifest in their bodies right now. We lift up those who are struggling and we ask that you move and manifest and bring forth increase right now. We lift up those who have launched out on Christ endeavors and we ask that you hand be upon everything they do that represents you. Father show yourself strong today. Manifest in the lives of your people. Let the world see and know that you are helping them to know you and to trust you more. That it is your help that is working in their situation bringing about a noticeable change in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, March 16, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 16, 2013 (Praying For Family, Friends, and Others Throughout The World ... That They See God As Source, Supply, Redeemer, and Friend)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to worship you and a new day to believe you. Father thank you for your wisdom. For your peace. For your power. Thank you for your presence. Your presence surrounding us and keeping us. Father thank you for your protection. For giving us a place to rest in you. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you. For you are God alone.
Now Father we lift up our family, friends, and others throughout this world to you. We ask that they begin to see you like never before. That they see you as Source and as Supply. That they see you as Redeemer and Friend. Unveil yourself to them Father. Father show them you are the all sufficient God. Show them that you are the on thing that they need in life. Father we bind up whatever has been blocking that revelation in their lives. Let them see you now. Let them surrender to you now. Let them come into a deeper relationship with you now. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we lift up our family, friends, and others throughout this world to you. We ask that they begin to see you like never before. That they see you as Source and as Supply. That they see you as Redeemer and Friend. Unveil yourself to them Father. Father show them you are the all sufficient God. Show them that you are the on thing that they need in life. Father we bind up whatever has been blocking that revelation in their lives. Let them see you now. Let them surrender to you now. Let them come into a deeper relationship with you now. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, March 15, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 15, 2013 (Thanking God for His Goodness, Grace, Love, and Mercy)
Thank you Father. Thank you for your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. Thank you for your peace and your power. Father you are so good. Father we exalt you. We trust you. We believe you. Father you are God alone. Everything we need ... it is in you. Thank you Lord.
Father we ask that you go before us today. That you watch over us today. That you shield and protect us today. Father we need you. We need you peace and we need your power. We need your love and we need your protection. We need your deliverance. Father we need you healing. Father do what only you can do in and through our lives. In Jesus name. Amen.
Father we ask that you go before us today. That you watch over us today. That you shield and protect us today. Father we need you. We need you peace and we need your power. We need your love and we need your protection. We need your deliverance. Father we need you healing. Father do what only you can do in and through our lives. In Jesus name. Amen.
Thursday, March 14, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 14, 2013 (Asking God To Show Forth His Favor)
Father in the name of Jesus we thank you for who you are. We thank you for what you have done. Father today we ask for divine favor. Favor in every area of our lives. Father today we ask that you lead us and guide us in the way that you would have for us to go. Father help us to be one with you. Help us to know you better. Help us to see and recognize your word, your will, and your plan in the earth. Father do what ony you can do for us. Heal our bodies and deliver us from evil. Strengthen us and manifest your love through us. Meet every need. Father show up and show out in our lives like never before. Father our trust is in you. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, March 13, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 13, 2013 - (Thanking God For The Blood of Jesus and the Peace That Passes Our Understanding ... Asking Him To Do What Only He Can In Our Lives)
Thank you Lord. Praise you Father. Thank you for your goodness, your grace, your love, and you mercy. Thank you for your peace, and your power. Thank you Father for the blood. The blood that heals. The blood that sets free. The blood that delivers us from every attack of the enemy. Thank you for the peace. The peace that surpasses all of our understanding. Father thank you.
Father today we come to you asking you to be who you are through us. Help us today Father to be your representatives here on the earth. Help us to pour out love on those around us. Help us to pray forth your healing upon those who are sick. Help us to sow seeds of your word to provide encouragement and strength to those in need today. Father help us. Do what only you can. Deliver like only you can. Use us Father … like only you can. Father our trust is in you. We believe you and we believe your word. Father work your word through our lives right now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, March 12, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 12, 2013 (Asking God To Watch Over ... Lead, Guide, and Protect The Children)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A day of power and a day of praise. Thank you for what you have done and thank you Father for what you are doing. You are so good to us Father. Your word and your wisdom is our guiding force. Thank you for giving us direction. For showing us what it is we need to be doing in order to be one with you. Father thank you.
Father today we lift up the children before you. We ask that you watch over them. That you keep them. That you shield them and that you protect them. Father help them to see you more clearly. Help them to walk completely without hesitation in your word and your will. Father let the children and the youth be bold for you. Quickly speaking what you would have them to say. Father let your word manifest in them and through them. Father empower your children. Enlighten your children. Strengthen your children. Do it now Father in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, March 11, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 11, 2013 (Asking God To Open Up Doors of Opportunity and Favor)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to worship you and a new day to serve you. Thank you Father for your power and your strength. Father you are so good. We love you. We exalt you. We praise you.
Father today we thank you for open doors. Open doors of opportunity. Father we thank you for favor. For we know it is you that watches over us. We know it is you that keeps us. We know it is you that shields us and protects us. Today we ask that you favor us as we walk through the doors you have provided for us. We ask that your power heal us, deliver us, and set us free. We need you Lord. Now Lord we ask that you do what only you can do in and through our lives. Our trust and our total dependence is on you and you alone. In Jesus name. Amen.
Sunday, March 10, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 10, 2013 (Asking God To Turn It Around, Favor Us, Deliver Us, and Heal Us Today)
Thank you Father for a new day in you. A day to walk in your peace, your power, your goodness and your grace. A day of love. A day of restoration. A day of joy. A day of thanksgiving. Thank you Father for your new day. Father today we ask that you just be God. Be who you are. Be the one who turns it all around for our good. Be the one who favors us for your righteous call. Be the one who delivers us from the hand of the enemy. Be the one who heals us from all sickness and disease. Father be who you are.
Father our faith, our trust, and our hope are all resting in who you said you are. You are God. Do what only you can right now in Jesus name. Amen.
Saturday, March 9, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 9, 2013 (Praying Asking God To Help Us To Reflect HIs Light, Show Forth His Glory, and To Do All He Has Called Us To Do)
Thank you Lord for a new day in you. Thank you for your power and your presence going before us and being with us. Father you are so good. We love you Lord. Now Father we ask that you shield, cover and protect. That you restore peace and manifest your joy in and through the lives of these your people. Father heal today. Deliver today. Remove doubt today. Father thank you for your word and thank you for your wisdom. Father you are so good.
Father help us to help others. Help us to reflect your light in a way that ministers to those around us. Help us to show forth your glory in a way that causes others to see you more clearly. Father help us to do everything that you have called us to do. We can't do it without you Lord. We know that ...we recognize that... and we move based on the knowledge of knowing that you are real. Amen.
Father help us to help others. Help us to reflect your light in a way that ministers to those around us. Help us to show forth your glory in a way that causes others to see you more clearly. Father help us to do everything that you have called us to do. We can't do it without you Lord. We know that ...we recognize that... and we move based on the knowledge of knowing that you are real. Amen.
Friday, March 8, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 8, 2013 (Asking God To Heal Us, Deliver Us, and Use Us For His Glory)
Thank you Lord for a new day. Thank you for your power, your goodness, and your grace. Thank you for using us today. Using us to reflect who you are in the earth. Thank you for allowing you power to flow to us and through us. Father we are yours. We surrender ourselves to you today. We surrender to your word and to your will. We surrender to your plan and to your purpose. Use us Father. Use us for your glory. Heal us Father. Take sickness and disease from the midst of us according to your word. Father deliver us. Deliver us from the planned attacks of the enemy. We need you. We need you right now to do what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, March 7, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 7, 2013 (Giving Every Care, Worry, and Doubt Over To God)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day of peace, loved, joy and power. Father a new day to worship you and to praise you. A new day to walk in and to experience your goodness and your grace. Father thank you for a new day where we can be at peace. Knowing that you Father have everything under control.
Father thank you. Today we come to you heavenly Father giving it all over to you. Giving every care, every worry, and every doubt over to you. Today we surrender to your will. We walk in faith … knowing you are Jehovah and everything we need … you are. So Father we trust you. We believe you. We worship you and we praise you. Do what only you can do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, March 6, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 6, 2013 (Praying That We Recognize The Power Of The Blood Of Jesus and Pleading The Blood Over Every Household, Family, Etc.)
Thank you Father. Thank you for a new day. A day of power. A day of praise. A day of positioning. Thank you Father for loving us today. For helping us today. For moving for us and in us today. Father we love you. We need you. We expect you. We expect you to do what only you can do. To manifest like only you can. To show yourself strong like only you can. Help us Lord. Heal us Lord. Deliver us Lord. Manifest your lovingkindness in us and through us. Father show yourself strong in the midst of. In the midst of the trial and in the midst of the situation. In the midst of the struggle. In the midst of the pain. Show up and show out Lord.
Father let your people recognize and know the power of the blood. The word that the blood accomplished. The strength of the blood. Let them know that there is no power on heaven or earth that can counteract the power of the blood. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over every household, over every family, over every job, over every car, over every situation of every person reading this prayer. Father move in your people. Manifest in your people. Deliver your people. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father let your people recognize and know the power of the blood. The word that the blood accomplished. The strength of the blood. Let them know that there is no power on heaven or earth that can counteract the power of the blood. Father I plead the blood of Jesus over every household, over every family, over every job, over every car, over every situation of every person reading this prayer. Father move in your people. Manifest in your people. Deliver your people. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, March 5, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 5, 2013 (Asking God To Use Us For His Glory and His Goodness)
Father thank you for a new day in
you. A new day in you. Father thank you for your love towards us. In us and working through us. Father we love you. We exalt you. We trust and we believe you Father. Father there is no one and nothing that
compares to you. You alone are
God. You are Jehovah. You are Jireh. You are Shalom. All that we need Father … you are. Father let our desire line up with our
need. Let our desire be to worship
you. To magnify you. To serve you Father.
Father there is none like you. No one compares to you goodness. No one
compares to your grace. No one compares
to who you are and what you have done.
We recognize your power Lord.
Today Father we make ourselves available for your use. Use us Lord. Use us for your glory and your
goodness. In Jesus name we do
pray. Amen …
Monday, March 4, 2013
Sunday, March 3, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 3, 2013 (Asking God To Nudge His People In Order To Gain Their Attention Today)
Thank you Father for a new day in you. Thank you for your love and your peace and your protection. Thank you for loving us so much that you sent your Son to die for us. Father thank you for all you do for us. Thank you for all that you have already done for us. We love you Lord.
Now Father we just lift up this world before you. We pray for surrender today. That people all over the word will begin to surrender their lives to you. Father let their wills and their emotions come in line with your word. Let their will be to follow you. Let their desire be to worship you and to please you. Father help your people today. Nudge them Father. For to nudge means to push gently in order to gain the attention of or to give a signal. Nudge your people today Father. In Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Now Father we just lift up this world before you. We pray for surrender today. That people all over the word will begin to surrender their lives to you. Father let their wills and their emotions come in line with your word. Let their will be to follow you. Let their desire be to worship you and to please you. Father help your people today. Nudge them Father. For to nudge means to push gently in order to gain the attention of or to give a signal. Nudge your people today Father. In Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Saturday, March 2, 2013
PRAYER FOR TODAY - March 2, 2013 (Asking God To Manifest His Power, Peace, Healing, and Deliverance)
Thank you Father. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your word. Thank you for your wisdom. Thank you for your power and thank you for your might. You are so good Father. You watch over us ... you keep us. You shield us ... and you protect us. Father you are so good. Father today we ask that you manifest. Manifest you power. Manifest your peace. Manifest your healing and manifest your deliverance.
Father there is none like you. There is no one that compares to you. Your word and your wisdom. Father it is our desire to be led by you and to see you move in our lives. Father do what only you can in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father there is none like you. There is no one that compares to you. Your word and your wisdom. Father it is our desire to be led by you and to see you move in our lives. Father do what only you can in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, today we come to You asking You for favor. Father, we ask that You give us favor with You and favor with man. Father, You said i...
Father today we come to You asking that You help us to stay strong in You. Help us Father to not give up and to not give in. Father we n...