Father thank you. Thank you for your love. For your protection. For your peace and for your power. Thank you for keeping us and showing us your way. Father we need you. We bless you. We praise you Daddy. Father you are God alone. You are our source and our supply. We need you. There is none like you.
Father we want to be more like you Daddy. We need your direction. We need your peace. Guide us Daddy. Show us how to walk out your plan. Give us peace in the midst of all that we are going through. Father it gets hard. The direction gets blurry. Hold our hands Father. Lead us from the place where it is dark and cloudy to the place of your glorious light. Where you can be seen in the situation and you can be seen in the circumstance. Lead us Father. Show us who we are in you. Show us your glory. Show us your power. Show us your word manifested in our lives.
Father there is none like you. No one compares to you Daddy. Father we honor you and we praise you. Father we give you the glory for what you have done and what you are about to do in and through our lives. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Daily Moments With God Prayer is an online prayer ministry that is connected to the online ministry of Daily Moments With God which is ministered/written by R. Lynn Moore, author of "Spending Daily Moments With God” and “Shattering The Glass Of Fear and Walking Fully In Faith". You can visit the online ministry at www.DailyMomentsWithGod.blogspot.com or on Facebook at www.Facebook.com/DailyMomentsWith GodWithRLynnMoore2. I am praying that each moment of your day is blessed in Him.
Friday, August 31, 2012
Thursday, August 30, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 30, 2012 (Asking God To Move Upon The Talents, Gifts, and Abilities In The Lives Of His People and Cause Them To Walk In The Plan That He Has Ordained For Their Lives)
Father thank you. Thank you for each and every precious gift that you have given us. Thank you for your power, your anointing, your word Daddy. Thank you for today. A brand new day in you Father. Father you are so good. We love you Daddy. We praise you Father. We magnify you Almighty God.
Father thank you for showing us the things that you would have us to do in life. Thank you for showing us our gifts, our talents, and our abilities in you. Father you are so good. Now Father we ask that you move on those gifts now. That you move on those talents now. That you move on those abilities now. Move in a way where we can perfect them. Where we can walk in them. Where we can fulfill our call through them. Father there are those whom you have ordained to do a work for you ... move in a way where that work can be done .... without distractions .... without interruptions. Bring forth whatever is necessary to get it done. Whether it be wisdom or financial increase. Open up doors and pour out your blessings now. Father there are those whom you have ordained to open businesses. Give them the wisdom now. Bring forth the increase now to do it now. At this time and in this season Lord.
Father whatever it is that you have positioned your people to do. Bless it now and establish it now in Jesus name. And Father I pray that as you do ... your people will recognize that it is you that is positioning them to fulfill your plan and your will in the earth and that they will glorify you in everything that they do. Never to stray from your perfect plan for their lives in Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Father thank you for showing us the things that you would have us to do in life. Thank you for showing us our gifts, our talents, and our abilities in you. Father you are so good. Now Father we ask that you move on those gifts now. That you move on those talents now. That you move on those abilities now. Move in a way where we can perfect them. Where we can walk in them. Where we can fulfill our call through them. Father there are those whom you have ordained to do a work for you ... move in a way where that work can be done .... without distractions .... without interruptions. Bring forth whatever is necessary to get it done. Whether it be wisdom or financial increase. Open up doors and pour out your blessings now. Father there are those whom you have ordained to open businesses. Give them the wisdom now. Bring forth the increase now to do it now. At this time and in this season Lord.
Father whatever it is that you have positioned your people to do. Bless it now and establish it now in Jesus name. And Father I pray that as you do ... your people will recognize that it is you that is positioning them to fulfill your plan and your will in the earth and that they will glorify you in everything that they do. Never to stray from your perfect plan for their lives in Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 29, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 29, 2012 (Yielding Our Hearts, Minds, Thoughts, and Intellect To God and Asking Him To Take Us To Our Next Level)
Thank you Father for your power. Thank you Father for your presence. Thank you for your wisdom and your word. Father thank you for your glory. Thank you Father for you are God and you are God alone. Thank you for being who you are and for doing what you do. Father you are so good to us. Father we praise you and we magnify you. We lift you up Daddy. We exalt you .... high above everything else in our lives. Father we need you. We acknowledge you Daddy. For without you Father ... we would be nothing. We could do nothing. Father we love you. We love YOU Daddy.
Now Father ... we take authority over everything that is going against your word in our lives. We command everything in our lives to fall under the subjection of your power. Father we yield ourselves to you. Our hearts, our minds, our thoughts, our intellect .... we give it all over to you. Father its not about what we think about it ..... everything in our lives is about what you said about it. Help us Father. Help us to go to the next level in you. The level where we trust you totally. The level where we hold nothing back. The level of freedom where we know that you are in control and that we have been released from every bondage in our lives. Help us Daddy.
Father we love you. Father we expect you. Father we choose you. Your way ... not our way. Your will ... not our will. Your power ... not our own strength. Father thank you for what you have done and what you are about to do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father ... we take authority over everything that is going against your word in our lives. We command everything in our lives to fall under the subjection of your power. Father we yield ourselves to you. Our hearts, our minds, our thoughts, our intellect .... we give it all over to you. Father its not about what we think about it ..... everything in our lives is about what you said about it. Help us Father. Help us to go to the next level in you. The level where we trust you totally. The level where we hold nothing back. The level of freedom where we know that you are in control and that we have been released from every bondage in our lives. Help us Daddy.
Father we love you. Father we expect you. Father we choose you. Your way ... not our way. Your will ... not our will. Your power ... not our own strength. Father thank you for what you have done and what you are about to do in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, August 28, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 28, 2012 (Prayer For Peace In The Lives Of God's People)
Father thank you. Thank you for allowing us to come into your presence again. To talk to you .... to commune with you Daddy. Father thank you for your love, your grace, and your mercy. Father thank you for your help. For your healing. For your power and your peace. Daddy you are so good. Now Father we ask that you show us. Show us your way. Your plan. Your positioning Daddy. Show us what we need to do to be in right standing with you. We need you Daddy. We acknowledge our need for you.
Father help us to see you clearly. To understand your plan and walk it out. Father we can't do it without you. We need your direction. We need your peace. We need your protection. Father help us at our point of need.
Now Father we ask that you move throughout this earth. That you heal, set free, deliver, protect, and provide for your people. Father let your hand of help be seen. Let your power prevail. Father we call for a cease in the violence. A cease in the storms in the lives of your people. Father we call for your perfect peace to come now. Help us Daddy. Your people need you. Wrap your loving arms around us.
Father we love you and we exalt you Daddy. It is in Jesus name that we do pray. Amen.
Father help us to see you clearly. To understand your plan and walk it out. Father we can't do it without you. We need your direction. We need your peace. We need your protection. Father help us at our point of need.
Now Father we ask that you move throughout this earth. That you heal, set free, deliver, protect, and provide for your people. Father let your hand of help be seen. Let your power prevail. Father we call for a cease in the violence. A cease in the storms in the lives of your people. Father we call for your perfect peace to come now. Help us Daddy. Your people need you. Wrap your loving arms around us.
Father we love you and we exalt you Daddy. It is in Jesus name that we do pray. Amen.
Monday, August 27, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 27, 2012 (Asking For God's Divine Hand Of Protection Over The Areas That Are Under Hurricane Warnings and Threats Today)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for a day of peace and a day of protection. Father thank you for going before us today. For making every crooked place straight. Father we just ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight today. That your power and your presence be prevalent in our lives today. Father help us. Help us to see you. Help us to know that you are God. God over our lives. God over our bodies …. where there is sickness Lord, we ask that you heal us. God over our finances …. where there is lack Daddy, we ask that you manifest provision. God over our mind, will and emotions. Where there is stress and a lack of peace Father, we ask that you give us a peace beyond our understanding.
Father we pray for your divine hand of protection over the areas that are currently under hurricane warnings and threats. Father we ask that you intervene and that you shield and protect. Father you are well able to cause what is trying to form in the atmosphere to shift and break apart. We ask that you do it now Daddy. We ask that this storm ceases. We ask that your power overtake the power that is trying to form. Father intervene now. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, August 26, 2012
Prayer For Today - August 26, 2012 (Laying Down Everything That Is Unlike God and Asking Him To Use Us For His Glory)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to see you and a new day to seek you. Father you are so good. We love you Daddy. Thank you for your goodness. Thank you for your grace. Thank you for your peace and thank you for your power. Thank you Father for not giving us what we deserve. Father you are so good to us. Even when we mess up Daddy you are still there. You are still pouring out your love on us. You are still giving us an opportunity to get it right. Thank you Father for loving us so much.
Now Father we ask that you help us. Help us to be strong in you. Help us .... for you said in our weakness ... you are strong. Father you said for us to cast our cares on you for you care for us. You said that you would never leave us nor forsake us. Lord even in the midst of our dumb days ... you are still there. Help us to move from whatever point we are at in life to a position that is closer to you. Father help us to see you clearer. Help us to reveal you more to those around us. Father if there are areas where we are failing to trust you or believe you Daddy .... please help our unbelief.
Father we need you. We invite you in today. We ask that you come in and move and manifest who you are through us. Use us as your vessels. Father we lay down everything that is unlike you and we say use us Lord. We need you and we want to live totally and completely for you Father. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you help us. Help us to be strong in you. Help us .... for you said in our weakness ... you are strong. Father you said for us to cast our cares on you for you care for us. You said that you would never leave us nor forsake us. Lord even in the midst of our dumb days ... you are still there. Help us to move from whatever point we are at in life to a position that is closer to you. Father help us to see you clearer. Help us to reveal you more to those around us. Father if there are areas where we are failing to trust you or believe you Daddy .... please help our unbelief.
Father we need you. We invite you in today. We ask that you come in and move and manifest who you are through us. Use us as your vessels. Father we lay down everything that is unlike you and we say use us Lord. We need you and we want to live totally and completely for you Father. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, August 25, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 25, 2012 (Asking God To Show Us The "Next" In Our Lives)
Father thank you. Thank you for your power. Thank you for your goodness. Thank you for your grace. Father thank you for your love and thank you for your protection. Daddy you are so good. We love you Father. We love you for who you are and we love you for what you have done. Daddy we love you for what you are doing in our lives. Now Father we ask that you show us the way. Show us the "next" in our lives. The next step Daddy. The next direction. The next path Father. Show us what you desire for us to do next. Help us Father. We can't do it without you. We can't make it without you.
Father we yield our lives to you. We yield our hearts to you. We yield our minds to you Daddy. We need to hear your voice and we need to feel your hand guiding us. We need to know clearly the direction you have set forth for our lives. Father ... show us YOUR way now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father we yield our lives to you. We yield our hearts to you. We yield our minds to you Daddy. We need to hear your voice and we need to feel your hand guiding us. We need to know clearly the direction you have set forth for our lives. Father ... show us YOUR way now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, August 24, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 24, 2012 (Asking To God To Help Us To Live In A Way That Our "Lives" Will Be Heard ... Where They Speak Of His Goodness, Grace, Love, and Mercy)
Father thank you for a new day. Thank you for imparting in us the power to win. The power to be victorious in you. Today is a new day in you Daddy. A day to walk out your plan and to fulfill your purpose in our lives. Today we yield to your presence. We listen to your word. We receive direction from you Father. Help us Daddy. Help us to know and help us to understand your word and your will for our lives. Help us to live out loud for you. To live in a way that our "lives" will be heard. Not just our voices Father ... but our lives. Let them speak for you. Let them tell the story of your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. Let them reflect who you are. Let them show forth your goodness, and your grace.
Father help us to walk in the path that you have chosen. Help us to see the boundaries that you have set. Father strengthen us to stay within those bounds. Father we choose you. We choose your life. We choose the lifestyle that you have for chosen for us. Help us to die to the flesh and to live for you in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father help us to walk in the path that you have chosen. Help us to see the boundaries that you have set. Father strengthen us to stay within those bounds. Father we choose you. We choose your life. We choose the lifestyle that you have for chosen for us. Help us to die to the flesh and to live for you in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, August 23, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 24, 2012 (Asking God To Flow Through Us ... To Allow Us To Be His Vessels of Love)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to see you and a new day to seek you. Father thank you for opening our eyes this morning. Opening our eyes to see your goodness, your grace, your love and your mercy. To experience you today Daddy. Father we thank you for your loving kindness to us. How you watch over us ... How you manifest the things we have need of in our lives. Father today we ask for more of you. More of your love to flow through us. Father let us be your vessels. Vessels of your love ... vessels of your kindness .... vessels of your peace. Let others draw from us who you are. When they come in contact with us ... let them see you Daddy. Let them feel you. Let them experience your love flowing through us.
Father manifest your change today. Change what the devil has meant for evil in our lives .... turn it around today Daddy. Turn it around for your good. Heal us. Deliver us. Set us free in you Daddy. Manifest your goodness, your grace, and your glory in our lives today. Be who you are Daddy. Show forth your peace and your power right now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father manifest your change today. Change what the devil has meant for evil in our lives .... turn it around today Daddy. Turn it around for your good. Heal us. Deliver us. Set us free in you Daddy. Manifest your goodness, your grace, and your glory in our lives today. Be who you are Daddy. Show forth your peace and your power right now in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 22, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 22, 2012 (Asking God To Move and Manifest In Our Lives and Praying Divine Protection Over The Children, Youth, and Young Adults As They Return To School)
Father you are so good. Thank you Daddy. Thank you for your love, your peace, and your protection. Thank you for your deliverance Daddy. Father today we ask that you move and manifest in the lives of your people like never before. Father for those who have no food ... feed them. For those who have no money .... provide for them. For those who are feeling challenged .... enlighten them to your way. For you said in your word that your yoke is easy and your burden is light. Father do as only you can.
Father again I ask that you shield, cover, and protect all the children, youth, and young adults that are going back to school. Father we dispatch angels right now to go and stand guard over the schools and colleges. To stand guard over the children, youth, and young adults. Father keep the enemy out. We thank you for divine protection. We pray for environments that are conducive to learning and that are covered by the blood. Father stop, still and cancel any planned attacks of the enemy. Father protect them.
Father thank you for what you have done and what you are doing. It is in Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Father again I ask that you shield, cover, and protect all the children, youth, and young adults that are going back to school. Father we dispatch angels right now to go and stand guard over the schools and colleges. To stand guard over the children, youth, and young adults. Father keep the enemy out. We thank you for divine protection. We pray for environments that are conducive to learning and that are covered by the blood. Father stop, still and cancel any planned attacks of the enemy. Father protect them.
Father thank you for what you have done and what you are doing. It is in Jesus name I do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, August 21, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 21, ,2012 (Asking God To Help Us Recognize The "God Doors" In Our Lives)
Father thank you. Thank you for a new day in you. A new day to see you. To understand you. To believe you. Father thank you for your healing, for your provision, for your peace, and for your joy. Thank you for blessing this day at the foundation of the world. For at that time ... the time when you created the days .... you blessed the days. You set your mark and your blessing at the foundation of your creation. Thank you Daddy for everything you created ... you blessed at its foundation. Father thank you for blessing us. For we are your divine creation. We are your children. Thank you for already blessing us. Empower us to prosper. To prosper in our thoughts. To prosper in our body. To prosper in peace. To prosper in love. To prosper in joy. To prosper in finances. Thank you for empowering us to prosper in every facet of our lives.
Father today we ask that you lead us ... guide us ... and direct us in you. We ask that you open doors in our lives that lead to your covenant promises. Father we need you and desire you to move in every area of our lives. Help us. Help us to know and recognize the "God Doors" in our lives. Those doors that you have set in place and not doors that lead to spiritual death. Help us Daddy. We can't do it alone.
Father we ask all of these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you Lord for loving us, shielding us, and protecting us in Jesus name. Amen.
Father today we ask that you lead us ... guide us ... and direct us in you. We ask that you open doors in our lives that lead to your covenant promises. Father we need you and desire you to move in every area of our lives. Help us. Help us to know and recognize the "God Doors" in our lives. Those doors that you have set in place and not doors that lead to spiritual death. Help us Daddy. We can't do it alone.
Father we ask all of these things in Jesus name. Amen.
Thank you Lord for loving us, shielding us, and protecting us in Jesus name. Amen.
Monday, August 20, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 20, 2012 (Asking God To Create In Us A Clean Heart and To Renew In Us A Right Spirit ... So That We Can Be Used As Vessels Of His Glory)
Father thank you. Thank you for a new day in you. A new day to worship you and a new day to serve you. A new day to walk out your word, your will, and your plan in the earth. A new day to praise you from the rising of the sun ... until the going down of the same. A new day to tell somebody about your goodness, your grace, your love, and your mercy. A new day Daddy.
Father go before us today. Open up doors. Open up doors where we can testify of your goodness. Testify of your glory. Testify of your grace. Father open doors of opportunity .... where we can lift you up before man so that they can be drawn closer to you. For you said if you be lifted up that you would draw all men unto you.
Father today we ask that you create in us a clean heart and that you renew in us a right spirit so that we can be sure we are following your plan and not our own. Use us Father as vessels of your glory. Vessels that will tell somebody of your goodness. That will speak aloud of your grace. That will testify of what you have done and how good you are to your people. Use us Daddy. Let us be those people whom you have chosen to show forth your glory in the earth. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father go before us today. Open up doors. Open up doors where we can testify of your goodness. Testify of your glory. Testify of your grace. Father open doors of opportunity .... where we can lift you up before man so that they can be drawn closer to you. For you said if you be lifted up that you would draw all men unto you.
Father today we ask that you create in us a clean heart and that you renew in us a right spirit so that we can be sure we are following your plan and not our own. Use us Father as vessels of your glory. Vessels that will tell somebody of your goodness. That will speak aloud of your grace. That will testify of what you have done and how good you are to your people. Use us Daddy. Let us be those people whom you have chosen to show forth your glory in the earth. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Sunday, August 19, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 19, 2012 (Asking God To Help Us See Him In Our Situations Today)
Father thank you for you are God alone. Father we love you. We exalt you. We praise you Daddy. There is none like you. There is no one that compares to you. Father thank you for going before us today. For leading us .... For guiding us. For showing us .... who we are in you. Daddy you are so good. Father help us to see you today. To see you in our situation. To see you in our trial. Father if we can see you .... we can realize we have strength is in you. We can realize that we are not alone. Father need you. We need your power to be at work in our lives.
Father move in our finances. Move in our bodies. Move in our situations. Father we realize that e can't do it. That we can't make it without you. That we need you Daddy. We realize that our hope and our ability are in you and you alone. Father we trust you to do what only you can in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.....
Father move in our finances. Move in our bodies. Move in our situations. Father we realize that e can't do it. That we can't make it without you. That we need you Daddy. We realize that our hope and our ability are in you and you alone. Father we trust you to do what only you can in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.....
Saturday, August 18, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 18, 2012 (Asking God To Create In Us A Clean Heart and To Renew In Us A Right Spirit .... and To Meet Every Need In Our Lives)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to walk with you and a new day to talk with you. A new day to trust you Daddy. Father today we ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight. Father we ask that you lead us ... that you guide us ... that you shield us ... and that you protect us. Father heal us today. Create in us a clean heart Father and renew in us a right spirit. Father we need you. Father we understand that our hope and our help are both in you Daddy.
Father there are needs in our lives that we are trusting you to meet. Father you said in your word that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Father we trust you. We believe you. We expect you to do what you said that you would do in our lives. Father there is no one like you and we just say thank you.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father there are needs in our lives that we are trusting you to meet. Father you said in your word that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Father we trust you. We believe you. We expect you to do what you said that you would do in our lives. Father there is no one like you and we just say thank you.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, August 17, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 17, 2012 (Asking God To Let Us Be Vessels Of His Glory)
Father thank you. Thank you for showing us who we are in you. Thank you for revealing to us those things in us that we need to perfect in you. Help us Daddy. Help us to be more like you. To be the vessels you created us to be. To be the lights in the midst of the darkness. To be reflections of your truth. To be real and to be genuine.
Father our lives are your lights. Help us to reflect you. Father we need you. We need you to show us the way. We can't do it on our own. We can't walk this walk alone and we can't talk this talk without you giving us the words to say. Speak through us Daddy. Let us be vessels of change and vessels of your glory. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father our lives are your lights. Help us to reflect you. Father we need you. We need you to show us the way. We can't do it on our own. We can't walk this walk alone and we can't talk this talk without you giving us the words to say. Speak through us Daddy. Let us be vessels of change and vessels of your glory. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, August 16, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 16, 2012 (Asking God To Prepare Us and Position Us To Be Vessels For His Use)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your love, your power, your goodness, and your grace. Father today we ask that you go before us. That you make every crooked place straight Daddy. Help us Father. Meet our needs Daddy. Father there is so much going on. So many things that are coming against our lives .... we ask for your intervention now. We ask for your blessings now. We ask that you still the hand of the enemy in our lives. Heal us Daddy ... Send for provision. Minister peace to our souls Father. Father we understand that we can't do it without you.
Now Father we ask that you prepare us and position us to be vessels to be used by you. Ambassadors for you. Vessels for you. Father it is our desire to walk out your plan for our lives here in the earth. Show us what to do and which way to go. Let our lives reflect who you are and what you would have us to do in Jesus mighty and majestic name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you prepare us and position us to be vessels to be used by you. Ambassadors for you. Vessels for you. Father it is our desire to walk out your plan for our lives here in the earth. Show us what to do and which way to go. Let our lives reflect who you are and what you would have us to do in Jesus mighty and majestic name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 15, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 15, 2012 (Asking God To Be Who He Is For Us, In Us, and Through Us)
Thank you for a new day in you Daddy. A new day to worship you. A new day to praise you. A new day to magnify you. Father you are so good. We love you so much Daddy. We praise you. From the rising of the sun until the going down of the same .... YOU ARE WORTHY TO BE PRAISED DADDY.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight. That you power, your presence, and your peace be prevalent in our lives today. Father we pray for open doors today. We pray for healings to take place today. We pray for divine protection over our lives, over our families, over our friends, and over this world. Father we pray for supernatural favor today. Favor in our finances. Favor on our jobs. Favor to complete the things that you have called us to do. Supernaturally manifest today Daddy. Let nothing go lacking, missing, or broken in our lives.
Father we trust you today. We believe you today. We acknowledge and worship you today. Do what you do and be who you are for us, in us, and through us. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you make every crooked place straight. That you power, your presence, and your peace be prevalent in our lives today. Father we pray for open doors today. We pray for healings to take place today. We pray for divine protection over our lives, over our families, over our friends, and over this world. Father we pray for supernatural favor today. Favor in our finances. Favor on our jobs. Favor to complete the things that you have called us to do. Supernaturally manifest today Daddy. Let nothing go lacking, missing, or broken in our lives.
Father we trust you today. We believe you today. We acknowledge and worship you today. Do what you do and be who you are for us, in us, and through us. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, August 14, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 14, 2012 (Thanking God For His Word, His Power, and His Presence)
Father thank you for your word. Thank you that your word is a light unto our path and a lamp unto our feet. Father with your word we have direction. With your word we have power. With your word we are assured of your presence. Father thank you for giving us what we need to walk out this life that you have promised us. Father your word says that by Jesus stripes we are healed. Your word says that you know the things we have need of and that you are faithful and just to provide us with those things. Your word says that you will perfect those things that concern our lives. Your word says that you will give us peace in the midst of the storm. These are your words Daddy. Thank you for honoring your word.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you heal us ... deliver us ... and manifest your love through us. Father we ask that you use us for your glory. Flow through us Daddy. Let the world see you inside of us. Let them see you working together everything for our good. For you said that you work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Daddy for being our God and for honoring your word in our lives. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we ask that you go before us. That you heal us ... deliver us ... and manifest your love through us. Father we ask that you use us for your glory. Flow through us Daddy. Let the world see you inside of us. Let them see you working together everything for our good. For you said that you work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Thank you Daddy for being our God and for honoring your word in our lives. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, August 13, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 13, 2012 (For Peace, Protection, and Power)
Father thank you for your love .... thank you for your protection .... thank you for your peace .... and thank you for your power. Go before us today. Lead us, guide us, and show us what we need to do in you. Father thank you for Jabez encounters today. Divine encounters. Encounters where you will be exalted and your word will be confirmed in and through our lives. Father do in us what only you can do. Use us like only you can. Heal us, protect us, and provide for us. Bring about the change that we need. You said in your word that you would work all things together for the good of those who love you and are called according to your purpose. Work it out Daddy. Work your word in our lives. We are yielded. We are yielded to your plan and to your purpose. We know you are our source and our supply. Let your power flow. Let your provision flow. Let your blessings flow. In Jesus name. Amen.
Sunday, August 12, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 12, 2012 (That God's Spirit Flow Freely Through Churches and Ministries Throughout The Earth)
Thank you Father for all that you have done. For your impartation of power, goodness, and grace. For your love Daddy. Thank you for your peace. God you are so good. We love you Daddy. Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you move in us today. That your power overwhelm us today. Father we need you. We need to hear a word from you. A word of power. A word of direction. A word of wisdom. Tell us what you want us to hear. Father we seek not our own. We seek you Daddy. We are coming before you Daddy. We are expecting you Daddy. Do what only you can. Help like only you can.
Father today we lift up churches and ministries throughout this world. We ask that your presence and your power be prevalent. Flow freely through your people today. Let lives be impacted for your today. Let your anointing flow through and upon the lives of your people. Let them have Christ encounters today. Save, set free, and deliver today Daddy through these ministries that you have set in place. Those that carry your name, your power, and your voice in the earth. Do it now Daddy.
It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we lift up churches and ministries throughout this world. We ask that your presence and your power be prevalent. Flow freely through your people today. Let lives be impacted for your today. Let your anointing flow through and upon the lives of your people. Let them have Christ encounters today. Save, set free, and deliver today Daddy through these ministries that you have set in place. Those that carry your name, your power, and your voice in the earth. Do it now Daddy.
It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, August 11, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 11, 2012 (That God Manifest His Love Through Us ... His People)
Father thank you for a new day in you. For a new day to see you and a new day to seek you. Father you are so good to us. Your power ... your goodness ... your grace. It goes before us. Your presence precedes us. Father thank you for your love. Thank you for your peace. Thank you for your joy Daddy. It is in you Father that we live, we breathe and we have our being.
Now Father we ask for open doors. For doors of opportunity. For doors of favor. We ask for the supernatural to become manifest in our lives. We are asking that you complete the good works that you have began in us. That you help us Lord. Help us to stand strong in you. Continue to reveal your word.... Continue to reveal your plan. Continue to manifest your power.
Father we choose you today. We choose to live in you. To be surrounded by your presence and to be encompassed by your power. We choose to live out loud for you. To live passionately and compassionately for you.
Father we ask that you heal those whom are sick around us. That you meet financial needs today. That you bring forth job opportunities. Father we ask that you let your peace be prevalent in the lives of your people. Shield and protect Daddy. Manifest your love through your people like never before in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask for open doors. For doors of opportunity. For doors of favor. We ask for the supernatural to become manifest in our lives. We are asking that you complete the good works that you have began in us. That you help us Lord. Help us to stand strong in you. Continue to reveal your word.... Continue to reveal your plan. Continue to manifest your power.
Father we choose you today. We choose to live in you. To be surrounded by your presence and to be encompassed by your power. We choose to live out loud for you. To live passionately and compassionately for you.
Father we ask that you heal those whom are sick around us. That you meet financial needs today. That you bring forth job opportunities. Father we ask that you let your peace be prevalent in the lives of your people. Shield and protect Daddy. Manifest your love through your people like never before in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, August 10, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 10, 2012
Thank you Lord for all you do and for all that you have done. Father we ask that you lead us, guide us, shield us, and protect us. Help us Daddy to be more like you. To hear your voice and to do your will. Help us to see you clearly and to live specifically for you. Father move in us today. Move in us in a noticeable way. A way that reveals who you are to those around us. Move in us in a way that magnifies your name on the earth. Move in a way that exemplifies who you are to this world.
Father change us. Change us to be more like you. Father we love you and we expect you to do what only you can do for us ... in us ... and through us in Jesus name. Amen.
Father change us. Change us to be more like you. Father we love you and we expect you to do what only you can do for us ... in us ... and through us in Jesus name. Amen.
Thursday, August 9, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 9, 2012 (Cancelling Every Planned Attack Of The Enemy)
Father thank you for a new day. Thank you for allowing us to come into your presence and to worship you. You are worthy Daddy. You are worthy of the honor. Your are worthy of the glory and you are worthy of the praise.
Father go before us today. Shield us and protect us Father. Father keep us safe. Father we cancel every planned attack of the enemy. He shall not come near our lives. Whatever has been planned in his arsenal .... WE CANCEL now in Jesus name. Father we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives, our households, our jobs, and our families. For where the blood is ... the enemy CANNOT come.
Father thank you for your love. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your peace and thank you for your power. We love you Daddy. You are worthy of our praise. We magnify and exalt you ... for you alone are King.
It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father go before us today. Shield us and protect us Father. Father keep us safe. Father we cancel every planned attack of the enemy. He shall not come near our lives. Whatever has been planned in his arsenal .... WE CANCEL now in Jesus name. Father we plead the blood of Jesus over our lives, our households, our jobs, and our families. For where the blood is ... the enemy CANNOT come.
Father thank you for your love. Thank you for your protection. Thank you for your peace and thank you for your power. We love you Daddy. You are worthy of our praise. We magnify and exalt you ... for you alone are King.
It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 8, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 8, 2012 (Thanking God For This Day and Asking Him to Watch Over Every Area Of Our Lives)
Thank you Father. Thank you for allowing us to walk through another day in you. Thank you for your goodness, your grace, your mercy. Thank you for how you have watched over us today. Thank you for how you have used us today. Father thank you for how you have covered us today. Father you are so good. We love you Daddy. We need you Daddy. We cry out to you Daddy.
Now Father we ask that you watch over our family, our friends, our co-workers, our children, our grandchildren, our aunts, our uncles, our cousins, our government, our leadership, our schools, our teachers, our jobs, and every other area and person in our lives. Father let us always be aware of your presence and your provision in our lives.
Father do you will in and through us .... in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you watch over our family, our friends, our co-workers, our children, our grandchildren, our aunts, our uncles, our cousins, our government, our leadership, our schools, our teachers, our jobs, and every other area and person in our lives. Father let us always be aware of your presence and your provision in our lives.
Father do you will in and through us .... in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Tuesday, August 7, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 7, 2012 (Asking God To Inhabit Our Praise and To Help Us In Any Areas Where We Have Unbelief)
Father thank you for today. Thank you for a new day in you. A new day to walk like you and to talk like you. A new day to believe you. Father today we put our total trust in you. In your word. What you have said to be. Father its not about what we think or how we feel. It's about what you have said and what you will do. Thank you Father for helping us to focus on you and your plan and not our situation.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you lead us and guide us throughout this day and every day. That you heal our bodies and meet every need. Strengthen us Daddy. Let the river of your word flow through us Father. We are your children. We are those whom you have called. Now Father we ask that you minister through us. Let our lives be used as your tool of ministry.
Father today we ask that you help our unbelief. If there are areas in our lives where we are not fully trusting you Daddy. Help us now. Seal your word within us so that nothing can penetrate our walk with you. We are yours Daddy and today we ask that you inhabit our praise. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Now Father we ask that you go before us today. That you lead us and guide us throughout this day and every day. That you heal our bodies and meet every need. Strengthen us Daddy. Let the river of your word flow through us Father. We are your children. We are those whom you have called. Now Father we ask that you minister through us. Let our lives be used as your tool of ministry.
Father today we ask that you help our unbelief. If there are areas in our lives where we are not fully trusting you Daddy. Help us now. Seal your word within us so that nothing can penetrate our walk with you. We are yours Daddy and today we ask that you inhabit our praise. In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Monday, August 6, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 6, 2012 (That God Bless Our Lives .... Not For Us To Brag .... But For Others To See and Acknowledge His Presence and His Power)
Father thank you for a new day in you. A new day to experience your love, your power, and your grace. Father we ask that you go before us today. Favor us today. Father we ask that you meet our needs today. Father fulfill your plan in our lives.
Father thank you for your grace. Thank you for your favor and thank you for your word. Father help us to see, hear, and understand your word clearly. Father bring clarity to the things we don't quite understand. Make it clear Daddy. So that we can say what you say and do what you do.
Father help us today. Meet every need. Pay every bill. Protect us as we go out and about. Father bring forth jobs and promotions. Father you said in your word that promotion comes from you. Do your word now Daddy. Father for those who need transportation ... bring for vehicles. For those who need their needs met ... bring forth finances. Whatever the need Daddy .... we are asking you to meet it now.
Father pour out your favor like never before. Seal testimonies like never before. Father we trust you to give us your best for less. Not for us to brag ... it is for others to be able to look upon our lives and know and acknowledge that you are with us.
Thank you for all that you have done and all that you are about to do in Jesus mighty and majestic name. Amen.
Father thank you for your grace. Thank you for your favor and thank you for your word. Father help us to see, hear, and understand your word clearly. Father bring clarity to the things we don't quite understand. Make it clear Daddy. So that we can say what you say and do what you do.
Father help us today. Meet every need. Pay every bill. Protect us as we go out and about. Father bring forth jobs and promotions. Father you said in your word that promotion comes from you. Do your word now Daddy. Father for those who need transportation ... bring for vehicles. For those who need their needs met ... bring forth finances. Whatever the need Daddy .... we are asking you to meet it now.
Father pour out your favor like never before. Seal testimonies like never before. Father we trust you to give us your best for less. Not for us to brag ... it is for others to be able to look upon our lives and know and acknowledge that you are with us.
Thank you for all that you have done and all that you are about to do in Jesus mighty and majestic name. Amen.
Sunday, August 5, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 5, 2012 (Speaking Forth and Confessing God's Word In Our Lives)
Father thank you. Thank you for all you have done for us. Thank you for your power and your presence. Thank you for your love and your protection. Thank you for everything you have done and everything that you are doing for us ... in us .... and through us. We love you Daddy. We believe you Daddy. We expect you Daddy.
Father today we say what you say about us. We speak your words in our lives today. We confess what you have already said. We will not try to determine our own direction .... we will speak forth your direction Daddy.
"I am a child of God. Created in Him. Created by Him. Created for Him. Today I walk in my healing for He said in His word that by Jesus stripes I am healed. Today my needs are met for my Father said that He knoweth the things I have need of and that He is faithful and just to provide me with those things. Today I walk in peace for my Daddy said that He would give me the peace that goes beyond my understanding. Today I am overwhelmed with joy. For I know that His word says that the joy of the Lord is my strength. Today I am prosperous because He said that His plan is to prosper me and not harm me .... to give me a hope and a future. Today I walk in victory because I know that the battle for my life has already been won. I walk in knowledge ... knowing that my Daddy ... my Savior ... my King is on my side. All that I am ... I am in Him. I that I do ... I shall do for Him. No longer will I be lost .... because in Him I am found. No longer will I be defeated ... because in Him I win. My choice is my God. My safety is under the shadow of His wings. My power is His power. My authority is in Him. Today .... I know who I am. Even more ... I know whose I am."
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we say what you say about us. We speak your words in our lives today. We confess what you have already said. We will not try to determine our own direction .... we will speak forth your direction Daddy.
"I am a child of God. Created in Him. Created by Him. Created for Him. Today I walk in my healing for He said in His word that by Jesus stripes I am healed. Today my needs are met for my Father said that He knoweth the things I have need of and that He is faithful and just to provide me with those things. Today I walk in peace for my Daddy said that He would give me the peace that goes beyond my understanding. Today I am overwhelmed with joy. For I know that His word says that the joy of the Lord is my strength. Today I am prosperous because He said that His plan is to prosper me and not harm me .... to give me a hope and a future. Today I walk in victory because I know that the battle for my life has already been won. I walk in knowledge ... knowing that my Daddy ... my Savior ... my King is on my side. All that I am ... I am in Him. I that I do ... I shall do for Him. No longer will I be lost .... because in Him I am found. No longer will I be defeated ... because in Him I win. My choice is my God. My safety is under the shadow of His wings. My power is His power. My authority is in Him. Today .... I know who I am. Even more ... I know whose I am."
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Saturday, August 4, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 4, 2012 (Praying For Heart Conditions .... Physically and Spiritually)
Father God thank you for a new day. Thank you for another day to not only feel your love but to pour your love out on others. Father thank you for choosing us. For choosing us to be your vessels here in the earth. We love you Lord. We expect you Lord. We honor YOU Lord.
Father today we ask that you move and that you manifest like never before. Not only in our lives but in the lives of those around us. In our families, in our friends, in our schools, in our churches, in our government. Move Daddy .... Manifest Father. Touch hearts today Father. Help people all around to see who you are.
Father we pray for heart conditions today. Physically and spiritually. Heal those who have a physical heart condition. Cause them to pump and operate the way you have created them to. Father let your blood flow through their hearts .... touching every vessel and causing healing to take place. Father we also pray for those whom have hardened their heart against you and your word. Heal them Father. Send forth a word that will minister life to them. Where they will choose you and not self or selfish ways. Do it now Daddy in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father today we ask that you move and that you manifest like never before. Not only in our lives but in the lives of those around us. In our families, in our friends, in our schools, in our churches, in our government. Move Daddy .... Manifest Father. Touch hearts today Father. Help people all around to see who you are.
Father we pray for heart conditions today. Physically and spiritually. Heal those who have a physical heart condition. Cause them to pump and operate the way you have created them to. Father let your blood flow through their hearts .... touching every vessel and causing healing to take place. Father we also pray for those whom have hardened their heart against you and your word. Heal them Father. Send forth a word that will minister life to them. Where they will choose you and not self or selfish ways. Do it now Daddy in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Friday, August 3, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 3, 2012 (Asking God To Invade Us With His Power, Presence, and Love)
Father thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for your love, your protection, your power, and your peace. Today Father we ask that your anointing cover every area of our lives. Father we ask that you heal us where we are sick. That you deliver us where deliverance is needed. That you meet needs where there seems to be insufficiency. Father your word says that you know the things we have need of. You word says that you are the God that heals. Your word says that our deliverance is in you. Do it now Daddy. Do what only you can do. Manifest like only you can.
Father you are God and you are God alone. Our hope, our trust, our belief is in you. In your power and your ability. Father we recognize and realize that we are nothing without you. That we can do nothing without you. Father we yield our lives to you today. Asking that you invade us with your power. Invade us with your presence. Invade of us with you love Daddy. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father you are God and you are God alone. Our hope, our trust, our belief is in you. In your power and your ability. Father we recognize and realize that we are nothing without you. That we can do nothing without you. Father we yield our lives to you today. Asking that you invade us with your power. Invade us with your presence. Invade of us with you love Daddy. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Thursday, August 2, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 2, 2012 (Prayer For God To Move and Manifest. Asking Him To Shape and Mold Us Into The Vessels He Wants Us To Be)
Thank you Father. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for a day of power and a day of grace. Father we love you. We need you Daddy. We need you to move and to manifest in our lives today. Father our hope and our expectation is in you. We invite you in. We ask that you come in and shape and mold us into the vessels that you would like us to be.
Show us who we are in you. The recreated vessels of your glory. Father you are God. We love you. We expect you and we need you. We need you now. Father today we ask that you cover us with your glory. When people see us .... let them see you. Protect us with your power. When people and things come up against us .... shield us with your power. Father we ask that you meet every need. Father you said that you were our supply and that you know the things we have need of .... meet them now Daddy. Every need .... Father we love you. We thank you and we praise you. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Show us who we are in you. The recreated vessels of your glory. Father you are God. We love you. We expect you and we need you. We need you now. Father today we ask that you cover us with your glory. When people see us .... let them see you. Protect us with your power. When people and things come up against us .... shield us with your power. Father we ask that you meet every need. Father you said that you were our supply and that you know the things we have need of .... meet them now Daddy. Every need .... Father we love you. We thank you and we praise you. It is in Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Wednesday, August 1, 2012
PRAYER FOR TODAY - Prayer For Our Military and Their Families
Father thank you. Thank you for a new day in you. Thank you for going before us and thank you for making every crooked place straight. Father today we lift up our military before you. We ask that you watch over them, that you keep them, that you shield them, and that you protect them. Father fight for them. Help them to be comforted and secure in you. Father they need you. Go before them in battle and let no hurt, harm, or danger come against them.
Father we lift their families before you. We ask that you comfort them. Comfort those who have lost loved ones due to war and comfort those who loved ones are gone away due to war. Father do what only you can do for them. Give them peace. Provide for them and let them know that you are there.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
Father we lift their families before you. We ask that you comfort them. Comfort those who have lost loved ones due to war and comfort those who loved ones are gone away due to war. Father do what only you can do for them. Give them peace. Provide for them and let them know that you are there.
In Jesus name we do pray. Amen.
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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father, we know that You see and know all things. We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives. So...
Father today we come to You asking that You help us to stay strong in You. Help us Father to not give up and to not give in. Father we n...
Father, today we come to You asking You for favor. Father, we ask that You give us favor with You and favor with man. Father, You said i...