Sunday, August 12, 2012

PRAYER FOR TODAY - August 12, 2012 (That God's Spirit Flow Freely Through Churches and Ministries Throughout The Earth)

Thank you Father for all that you have done.   For your impartation of power, goodness, and grace.   For your love Daddy.   Thank you for your peace.    God you are so good.    We love you Daddy.    Now Father we ask that you go before us today.   That you move in us today.   That your power overwhelm us today.   Father we need you.   We need to hear a word from you.   A word of power.   A word of direction.   A word of wisdom.    Tell us what you want us to hear.     Father we seek not our own.   We seek you Daddy.   We are coming before you Daddy.   We are expecting you Daddy.   Do what only you can.    Help like only you can.    

Father today we lift up churches and ministries throughout this world.   We ask that your presence and your power be prevalent.   Flow freely through your people today.    Let lives be impacted for your today.   Let your anointing flow through and upon the lives of your people.   Let them have Christ encounters today.   Save, set free, and deliver today Daddy through these ministries that you have set in place.   Those that carry your name, your power, and your voice in the earth.   Do it now Daddy.

It is in Jesus name we do pray.   Amen.

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PRAYER FOR TODAY - April 10th, 2024 (Asking God To Make His Move Now and To Show Our Enemies That They Are NOT In Control)

Father, we know that You see and know all things.   We know that You know what we are going through at every given moment of our lives.   So...